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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting - October 5, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />g. colntinued... <br />h <br />. Nimtz: I presume this resolution follows <br />hers that have been passed so that there <br />uld be no question as to the legality or <br />rding of the resolution. <br />Mr. Ellison: It follows the same format as <br />the resolution regarding the First Bank Center <br />pr ject. <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to adopt <br />Resolution #594 for tax abatement relative to <br />certain portions of an area commonly referred <br />to as Block 6 within Ind. R -66 (Holladay <br />Corporation), and that the President and <br />Se retary be authorized to execute such <br />do ument, seconded by Ms. Auburn, and the <br />mo ion was unanimously carried. <br />qTa abatement request relative to certain <br />o tions of an area commonly referred to as <br />"E st Bank ". <br />Mr. Ellison: The staff would appreciate <br />it if the Chair would recognize Mr. Ernest <br />Szarwark, an attorney with the Thornburg, <br />McGill, etc. law firm, who is here representing <br />the petitioners who have also petitioned the <br />Co mon Council by resolution for abatement <br />in this particular area. <br />Mr. Nimtz: The Chair will recognize <br />Mr. Ernest Szarwark. <br />Mr Szarwark: The area in question is located <br />wi hin the East Bank area. It is directly <br />ac oss the river from Century Center, commonly <br />re erred to as the "old water works property ". <br />Th buildings presently there are in very <br />po r condition. The proposal involves <br />de olition of the existing building and <br />replacing them with modern structures. The <br />st uctures would be used for small shops <br />ani offices. We are going to try to have <br />a iice restaurant included in the structure. I <br />believe this project will be something the <br />pe ple can be proud of because it is going <br />to help the downtown area by creating jobs. <br />The Common Council has indicated that it would <br />ap rove a bond issue for the construction of <br />ISO <br />DISCUSSIONS OF TAX <br />ABATEMENT REQUEST <br />RELATIVE TO CERTAIN <br />PORTIONS OF AN AREA <br />COMMONLY REFERRED TO <br />AS "EAST BANK" <br />