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South Benj Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meting - October 5, 1979 <br />6. NEW BOSINESS (continued) <br />f. Commission approval requested for Agreement <br />for Professional and Technical Services, <br />between the City of South Bend, Department <br />o_f Redevelopment, and Mr. Richard Nichols, <br />R ': Monroe - Sample, subJ ect to legal counsel <br />relview and approval. <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to approve an <br />Agreement for Professional and Technical <br />Services, between the City of South Bend, <br />Department of Redevelopment, and <br />Mr. Richard Nichols concerning the Monroe- <br />Sample project, and that the President and <br />Secretary be authorized to enter into an <br />agreement, subject to legal counsel review <br />and approval, seconded by Ms. Auburn, and <br />the motion was unanimously carried. <br />g. Commission approval requested for Resolution <br />#594, tax abatement relative to certain portions <br />o_f an area commonly referred to as Block 6 within <br />Ind. R -66. <br />Mr. Ellison: The resolution has been prepared <br />relative to a petition that has been filed with <br />the Common Council for an urban development <br />area designation in order to provide a ten year <br />abatement for the development on Block 6 which <br />was announced a few days ago by the Mayor. The <br />development in question is the construction <br />of an office building that is expected to <br />provide approximately 40 jobs. I have had <br />some conversation with the Holladay Corporation <br />and I am satisfied that an abatement for that <br />particular project is appropriate. I would, <br />therefore, recommend that the Commission approve <br />Resolution #594 which encourages the Common <br />Council to give the urban development area <br />designation to that particular project area <br />which is described by legal description <br />in the resolution. <br />Mr. Butler: Mr. Chairman, briefly, I have <br />represented the Holladay Corporation on <br />matters in the past and represent them on <br />matters now. Therefore, I will excuse <br />myself on making any comment with respect <br />to this particular item. <br />AGREEMENT FOR PRO- <br />FESSIONAL AND TECH- <br />NICAL SERVICES OF <br />MR. RICHARD NICHOLS <br />APPROVED FOR THE <br />MONROE- SAMPLE PROJECT <br />RESOLUTION #594 <br />APPROVED FOR TAX <br />ABATEMENT TO CERTAIN <br />PORTIONS OF AN AREA <br />IN BLOCK 6, IND. R -66 <br />(HOLLADAY CORPORATION) <br />