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South Benj Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting — October 5, 1979 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />(letter to Mr. F. Jay Nimtz, from Timothy K. Eckerle) <br />continues as follows....... <br />Mt. F. Jay N,imtz <br />Pnesi ent, Redeve:Copment <br />Commi6sion <br />511 W t Cot4ax Avenue <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />It is with some negnet= that I must in4onm you, that <br />I am AesignEng 4&om the DepaAtment o g Redeve.26 proem. I <br />have accepted the position of Diteeton o f P.Lann Eng with <br />Harvey, It.Unois . The pozition in Harvey o j4etus a xa&e <br />oppo.kt n i ty and chaUenge. The e4jeet ive date o4 my <br />taignation sha?t be Octobetc 17, 1979. <br />the <br />you <br />end <br />I have found it ve r y en1 o yabte wotLk 4o& you and <br />a m-c s sion. I appnect.ated the oppoAtu.nit i,es that <br />a e me and wish you continued �uccezz with your <br />v tus. Good Luck. <br />S.ineetcety, <br />S/ <br />Timothy K. Eckvtte <br />A&sistant Ditectm <br />After ublicly acknowledging Mr. Eckerle's fine service <br />and wi hing him well, the Chair indicated that the letters <br />would a received and placed on file.. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />There was no old business to present to the Commission. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Commission approval requested for Change Order No. 3, <br />with B &B Plumbing, for an increase in contract Brice <br />of $300.00, for an amended contract total of $495.00, <br />at the address of 1402 Lincolnway West, as set forth <br />in letter from Mr. James Harcus, Director; Bureau of <br />Ho sins. <br />-5- <br />NO OLD BUSINESS <br />PRESENTED <br />CHANGE ORDER #3 <br />WITH B &B PLUMBING <br />APPROVED FOR AN <br />INCREASE IN CONTRACT <br />PRICE <br />