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South Benj Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meting - October 5, 1979 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />(letter addressed to Mr. F. Jay Nimtz, from <br />Mr. Christopher J. Murphy III, President of First <br />Bank N Trust Company) continues as follows... <br />"a to owed downtown. you and the Department of <br />Redevetopment, the commussionetus, and a22 ojj the <br />empto eez cute to be congratutated 4ott the teadett <br />sh.ip Aote you have ptayed in trying to develop <br />the downtown. We very much appreciate your patience <br />and y utt attentiveness to the "hate" ptoj ec t. I� <br />it weAe not jot a t o4 ups putting together to my to <br />do something jot South Bend, it is unttike2y that we <br />would even have beached this point. Fo,'rtunatety, <br />the City is btessed with a dedicated eouncit and <br />mayout o46.iee as we.2e as a very sttong and weU- <br />manag d Redevetopment Department. We very much want <br />to con tatutate you 4ot the work you have done <br />over the past number o4 yearns and tet you know <br />that we w.t Pt continue to work with the Department <br />o4 Re eveeopment to continue to devetop South Bend. <br />We took 4otwatd to the "Start o6 Consttuettion <br />Ceremony" in two on three weeks and a chance to <br />cetebAate this pro j eet being 6.inatty and comptete2y <br />ojj the gbound. The negotiations jor the gttound <br />tease gnd the tax abatement issues were a t vets y <br />impottt nt to putting this pfLo f eat togetheA. 14 we <br />can get a t of the documentation eompteted in the next <br />week ot so, things w.itt be att tied down in time 4ot <br />the 4estivities on the 19th. we took 4orward to youA <br />loininhi ups at that time." <br />Mr. Ni <br />from M <br />the De <br />aloud: <br />S-ineetety youtus, <br />S/ <br />Cktatophet J. Murphy III <br />itz then stated that he had received a letter <br />1. Timothy K. Eckerle, Assistant Director, of <br />iartment of Redevelopment which he read <br />-4- <br />LETTER OF RESIGNATION <br />RECEIVED FROM TIMOTHY <br />K. ECKERLE <br />