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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ling - August 3, 1979 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (continued) <br />5a. (continued).... <br />com lete, and it contains a provision regarding <br />sur ace parking. <br />The ye were no further questions raised concerning <br />the above modification contract, therefore, Ms. Auburn <br />made a motion to approve the second modification contract <br />ext nding construction for one year, and a provision regarding <br />general use of surface parking, for the South Bend Public <br />Lib ary, seconded by Mr.' Cira, and the motion was <br />una imously carried. <br />b. Com <br />ission approval requested to undertake certain action, <br />COMMISSION APPROVAL <br />Re: <br />The Disposition of the Odd Fellows Building. <br />GRANTED TO DEPT. <br />OF REDEVELOPMENT <br />Mr. <br />Ellison read a memorandum regarding the Odd Fellows <br />TO ADVERTISE <br />Building. <br />Authorization was asked for the following: <br />FOR SALE OR DEMO - <br />LITION OF ODD <br />To adveAtize <br />the sate of the on an about August <br />FELLOWS BUILDING <br />10, <br />1979, in the Watt Street 7owcnat Chi e�6TTAsibune, <br />Washington <br />Post, an South Ben" t� d4.�ona1 <br />` , <br />be <br />neq <br />e e�ads woutd p ace .cn ocai' pubticatiows. <br />A s "xty <br />day peA od wou.Cd be allowed to devetop- <br />me <br />pnoposaP�s. <br />uthotuzati.on to concwvicentty adveAti�se 4on demotiti.on <br />bids <br />4on the b uitding . <br />us is consistent with the Rowse &epotct jum the stand- <br />point <br />o$ the time that shoul?d be neee6,satcy to detenmdne <br />whetheA <br />there is seAious intetcest in tcenovating the buitding. <br />The <br />sta44 be-P,f evets this approach is neeessatcy to impte- <br />ment <br />the Rouse Repoxt with nes pee t to the Odd Fe Uow.s <br />P&o <br />tasty. Thehe4otce, we tceeommend the Commission authotuze <br />the <br />actions the memotcandum dens cA bed. <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion authorizing the staff to advertise <br />for the sale of the Odd Fellows Building and concurrently <br />advertise for demolition bids for the Odd Fellows Building, <br />seconded by Ms. Auburn, and the motion was unanimously <br />carried. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Commission approval requested for the following 312 loan 312 LOAN APPLI- <br />a lications: CATIONS APPROVED <br />Name Amount Loan No. <br />Charles & Movita Stewart $5,000.00 18 /SOU - 1/60/1 <br />1241 California Street <br />South Bend, Indiana 46628 <br />-4- <br />