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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr Bartolo: I have been to the Century Center about <br />four or five times and whenever I bring another team <br />member I always make a point of taking him there. <br />I have traveled to many cities, and a lot of cities <br />in the past five or ten years have build convention <br />centers; but I have never seen a convention center <br />such as South Bend's, I am really, really impressed, <br />because it is ideal. For what we think of the <br />fut,ure of this project; we have recently proposed <br />to the City, that we be retained for Phase II to go <br />into the implementation.. One more ingredient, which <br />I failed to mention about the project, is a transit <br />facility. I believe most of us feel that the present <br />facility is not inefficient, so we are proposing <br />co ceptually a covered transit terminal, which will <br />ha dle all the existing routes and possibly expansion <br />routes in a very efficient manner. So we have 210,000 <br />square feet of office, 1,425 parking spaces, 100,000 <br />square feet of retail, a transit terminal, and the <br />retention of the Odd Fellows Building, the Sherland <br />Building, and the Jefferson Street Parking Garage. <br />Concerned Citizen: I have two questions I wish to ask. <br />Number 1...I noticed you mentioned the service of downtown <br />concerning retail stores, etc., ......what is your position <br />on large retail stores rather than small businesses in the <br />community, and the accommodations of people due to the <br />fa t that we do have two large convention centers? <br />Mr Bartolo: I will answer your first question. We <br />think it is very important that downtown South Bend not <br />at empt to compete with your suburban malls. They <br />ha e a certain market demand and they are very well <br />ge red to meet it. It would be our intention to fill <br />as much of that retail mall as possible with local <br />merchants as opposed to national chains. Not only <br />wo ld it give a different look, but it would give a <br />di ferent feel to the project. We are emphasizing <br />as much as possible that local merchants and artisans <br />anJ craftsmen be included in this project. We are <br />saying that it won't work unless you get the merchant <br />MiK that is really highly localized and really tailored <br />to your kind of market and your kind of needs. <br />wh <br />s <br />cerned Citizen: The question, of course, is <br />ther the accommodations for people will be <br />table, as we will be having more visitors. <br />-13- <br />