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South Ben 0edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr. Ba tolo continues.... <br />de/elopers, people who ran office buildings, talked to <br />sh ppers, and we made a telephone survey of about 350 <br />pe ple all over the area in what they liked about down- <br />town, and when they liked to do their' shopping, where <br />ani why and why not? Also about parking, if there was <br />en ugh, and about the new shopping centers coming in. <br />We also talked to the public officials. We were really <br />im ressed with how much involved, and how sincere and <br />de icated and really how confident many of the public <br />of icials were.. The results of our study, which involves <br />qu to a bit of paperwork is included as a summary in <br />this report which 'I will not present to the Commission. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Thank you. We are certainly indebted to <br />th financial group who paid for the cost of this survey, <br />an we are very pleased to accept it. <br />Mr. Bartolo: What that report describes is what is <br />sh wn on this map. (Gives details of maps and points <br />to the maps and drawings to the Redevelopment Commissioners, <br />staff, guests and press who were present at the meeting). <br />Po nting to map ....... The focus of our attention, and the <br />laid that we are looking at now is a`two square block area <br />bo nded by Washington, Jefferson, Main and St. Joseph St., <br />which consists of about 72 acres of land in this site, and <br />also includes three buildings which we think should be <br />retained. One of those buildings is the Sherland Building, <br />recently rehabilitated, second is the Jefferson Street <br />Garage which consists of 416 parking spaces, and the <br />third is the Odd Fellows Building. We think the <br />OdJ Fellows Building is well located, well built, <br />anJ we feel that if it was rennovated; it would serve <br />tha community. Our recommendation, specifically,.is <br />to put the building on the market for 60 -90 days and <br />really in good faith go after potential developers for <br />it. If not, that building should be taken down and <br />cleared for the rest of the project.' The focal point <br />of the project is 100,000 square feet of retail <br />space which includes about 40 -60 stores, including <br />restaurants and grocery stores and a lot of general <br />retail space. We show two areas where there should be <br />office buildings to accommodate needed office facilities <br />up to 1984. We have included three parking garages which <br />consists of a total of 1,425 spaces. The office facilities <br />would require about 1,025 spaces. <br />. Nimtz: Mr. Bartolo, I wish you would comment on Century <br />rater. <br />-12- <br />