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South end Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - May 18, 1979 <br />6. NEIV BUSINESS (continued) <br />f. Mr. Brademas continues..... <br />We want to rehabilitate that house and maintain it as it <br />is presently; with four (4) apartments. I would hope that <br />the Commission take appropriate action on this today so that <br />it could be promptly forwarded to the Department of Housing <br />an Urban Development. It does require one other element, and <br />th t is, the availability of the Section 8 assistance. I have <br />hal discussions with the assistant director of HUD and he has <br />in icated that this would be coordinated through the Housing <br />Authority. <br />Ms. Auburn made a motion to approve a 312 loan to Mr. T. Brooks <br />BrELdemas in the amount of $80,000, loan number 18 /7MC- 0011/54/1 <br />at the address of 711 W. Washington Street, South Bend, Indiana, <br />se onded by Mr. Cira, and the motion was unanimously carried. <br />Mr. E1 ison read the next three items on the agenda together as the <br />items ere all related....... <br />9- <br />h. <br />i. <br />Commission approval requested for Resolution #580, authorizing <br />commencement of condemnation action on Acqui sition Parcel 8 -9 <br />Indiana R-66. <br />Commission approval requested for Resolution #581,authorizing <br />commencement ot condemnation action on Ac uis Lion Parcel <br />8 -10, Indiana R -66. <br />Commission approval requested for Resolution #582, authorizing <br />commencement of condemnation action on Acquisition Parcel <br />9 -20, Indiana R-66. <br />Mr. Butler: Resolution #580, Acquisition Parcel 8 -9, RESOLUTION <br />is the Newman's property, and the owners are basically NUMBERS 580,581, <br />the Gibson family. Resolution #581, Acquisition AND 582 APPROVED <br />Parcel 8 -10 is the Old Zonderhaven Book Store, the FOR CONDEMNATION <br />owners are Marie Rose Bernero and her son, Victor John ACTION ON PARCEL <br />Bernero. The next Resolution, which is Resolution #582, #s 8 -9,8- 10,9 -20 <br />Acquisition 9 -20, is the Berg Jewelry Store and the <br />book store with Mr. Arthur A. Frederickson being the <br />owner of that property. We are asking that you <br />authorize us to commence condemnation. We are at a <br />point with each of these where I believe that further <br />negotiations are not going to be fruitful, and because <br />of our time constraints, we would like to proceed with <br />condemnation action. <br />-7- <br />