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COMMISSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Frida , July 21, 1978 <br />5. ODD BUSINESS (CONTINUED) <br />b Mr. Brownell: No, this is all replacement of damaged fixtures. <br />Either the bulbs were broken,or stolen and all of the repair of <br />damage that was done to the light poles and to the wiring, etc. <br />Mr. Donaldson: They won't be putting any new ones in then? <br />Mr. Brownell: Just replacing the ones that have been broken. <br />Mr. Wiggins: I feel that the vandalism bill is too high. <br />Mr. Cira: Mr. Brownell, why didn't we obtain two bids on this? <br />Mr. Brownell: Actually, these people replaced them before; and <br />now they checked it out and told us what needed to be replaced. <br />The price quoted is down to $1,800.00, plus ... we bought the spheres <br />directly ourselves. <br />Mr. Wiggins moved that the proposal be approved, and the Executive <br />Director be authorized and directed to enter into a purchase order <br />for the completion of the project in the amount of $1,873.00 with <br />Colip Electric Corporation, seconded by Mr. Robinson, and it was <br />carried. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a Commission approval requested for Resolution No. 564 authorizing <br />the execution of redevelopment agreement for the disposition of <br />land, and the execution of Quit =Claim deed, in the'LAS611e Park <br />Project, Indiana R =57; as follows: <br />Belleville Church of Christ $2,315.00 <br />Disposition Parcels: <br />17 -16 <br />19 -7 <br />19 -12 <br />17 -17 <br />19 -8 <br />19 -13 <br />17 -18 <br />19 -9 <br />19 -14 <br />17 -19 <br />19 -10 <br />19 -15 <br />17 -21 <br />19 -11 <br />19 -16 <br />Mr. Brownell read the numbers of the parcels involved and indicated <br />that a copy of the Resolution was in each packet. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Mr. Wiggins, you are the expert on LaSalle Park. <br />Mr. Wiggins: What do they propose to do with this? <br />-5- <br />