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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - June 16, 1978 <br />Page <br />The Chahr recognized Mr. Robinson. <br />Mr. Robinson: As most of you gentlemen know, in the past we have had problems <br />with HU out of Indianapolis, regarding paying the prevailing wage in our <br />area. leedless to say, when they sent us correspondence last time they more <br />or less leaned on us and told us if we continued to pay the prevailing wage <br />rate in our area they would hold us accountable and maybe sometime in the <br />future hey would make us repay several thousands of dollarsor whatever. <br />I was q ite upset with Mr. Dew's decision so I did say I would carry it <br />further. I went through our Congressman and I got a very nice letter which <br />said he would get at it "and so forth ", and that is all I ever received but <br />I also dent to the National Building Trades. A Mr. Robert Geordine is <br />President and he went to the HUD office and talked to Elizabeth R. Raymond, <br />the Assistant Director of Labor Relations of the Department of Housing & <br />Urban Development so I would like to read this letter and then I would like <br />to make a motion. The letter says "Dear Mr. Geordine" which has been crossed <br />out and "Bob" written in, so Ms. Raymond must know him. <br />"Immediately after your telephone call last week regarding South Bend, Indiana, <br />I spoke to Ron Gatton, Regional Administrator in Chicago, and asked him to <br />look into the matter. He has subsequently advised me that the project re- <br />ferred to is for single family housing, less than eight units, paid for <br />by the City although using some CD /BG funds. In this case, Davis -Bacon <br />would not apply. However, he also told me that he will advise Choice <br />Edwards who is the Acting Area Director in South Bend of the Secretary's <br />strong commitment to the enforcement of Davis -Bacon and he will try to make <br />sure that this situation does not arise again. I might also note that <br />where Davis-Bacon does not apply, HUD cannot tell anyone that they cannot <br />pay a prevailing wage rate if they choose to do so "..signed by this Elizabeth <br />Raymond. <br />Since it appears to me that this Mr. Dew has tried to establish a little <br />private kingdom for himself and since he is not allowed to interfere with <br />our actions up here or.hold us responsible or take any kind of measure in <br />the future to interfere with the directions and goals we are trying to <br />achieve, I would like to make a motion that we re- establish the prevailing <br />rates in this area for the scattered site housing that we are trying to <br />take care of to help improve the dignity and way of life of the people of <br />our community. <br />Mr. Br nell: Mr. Robinson, Choice Edwards is the Area Director at Indian- <br />apolis hich includes South Bend. <br />Chair:IThe motion has been made here, do I hear a second? <br />Mr. <br />Mr. E <br />we mi <br />ldson: I'll support that. <br />ell: I have asked Mr. Ellison to contact the Area Office so that <br />have some direct communication and because this matter got sort of <br />