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South Be id Redevelopment Commission <br />Commissi ners' Meeting <br />June 16, 1978 - Page 5 <br />5. (c) Continued- <br />Chairk Any questions by the public or the press? <br />Jeann Derbeck: I suppose we should know this but just to reiterate for the <br />recor : what you would build is an extension to the library? <br />Mr. Napoli: We have three possibilities that I see right now - the most <br />recur ing complaint that I get from my branch librarians and my staff <br />at th Main Library from patrons is the lack of free public parking <br />for library users...and this would afford us an opportunity possibly to <br />build a parking garage. We may have some space limitations - in other <br />words the lot may not be large enough to provide a ramp to turn cars around <br />to a econd or third level. Another possibility would be a building and <br />the 1 t is large enough to provide maybe two stories - in an addition of <br />arounJ 20,000 square feet, at a cost of $40.00 a square foot for public <br />librar,ies, that would be at least $800.000 and my estimate is that it <br />proba ly would cost in the neighborhood of one and one -half million for <br />a building of that type with two levels. A third possibility would be a <br />combi ation of the two - perhaps parking at the street level with the <br />building constructed over it on columns and that would perhaps give us <br />enougi parking for 30 or 40 spaces - under the building and more floor <br />space above it. <br />Ms. D rbeck: But the building, whatever building is built will be used as <br />a lib ary? <br />Mr. Napoli: It would be called a library. <br />Jeann2 Derbeck: More library space? <br />Mr. Napoli: Possibly, possibly. <br />Ms. D rbeck: Well but what else could a library use? <br />Mr. N poli: Well there may be other ways that we can solve our space problem, <br />as I aid a parking garage, not really more library space, just a place to <br />park ars . <br />Ms. D rbeck: I mean other than parking, the building would be expanding <br />libra y space? <br />Mr. Napoli: Yes. There are other options we have too - in taking care of <br />our s ace needs for at least another five to ten years. We have a large <br />basem nt that is pretty much under - utilized. It could be remodeled and we <br />could move our "behind the scenes" operation - our non- public service <br />operations into the basement ... if we had that remodeled.and that would be <br />much than adding on a second building, or an addition to the main <br />libra �heaper <br />Y. <br />