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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - June 16, 1978 <br />Page <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />Mr. Brownell: I have only one communication which came this morning and <br />it s on a negotiated settlement of a claim - I did not have it in time <br />to ut it on the agenda so I have no communications. <br />5. OLDIBUSINESS <br />(a) Commission approval of Indiana R -66 Plan Change relating to the <br />property known as the "hole ". <br />Mr. Brownell: I would like to pass this item for the moment and take <br />it up when Mr. Butler arrives. <br />Chair: We will pass Item 5(a). <br />(b) Commission approval requested for fixture appraisals as determined <br />by S. M. Dix Associates, Inc. and set forth in Resolution No. 556 <br />Indiana R -66 Mall Project. <br />Mr. Brownell: Again we have a situation here where we have approved <br />the appraisals of the real estate and we now have the appraisals of <br />the immovable fixtures and I would like to get those approved as set <br />forth in Resolution 556. I have gone over most of them with the <br />Commission, these are the last three or four, that came in in the <br />last couple days. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins for approval of these appraisal reports, <br />seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />(c) Commission approval requested for extension of deadline to begin con - <br />struction on the parcel of land south of the Main Library, per <br />letter dated June 15, 1978, from Mr. Donald J. Napoli, Director of <br />the South Bend Public LIbrary. <br />Mr. Brownell: Rather than go into all the ramifications that Mr. <br />Napoli included in this letter, I thought since he is here he would <br />like to explain to the Commission personally regarding the request <br />for two year extension to begin construction. <br />Chair: We discussed this informally at our last meeting, we knew it <br />was coming up so basically the Commission has knowledge of what the <br />general situation is. <br />Mr. Brownell: I think you (the Commissioners) are generally agreed that <br />you are favorably inclined that way so Mr. Napoli is you have some <br />short remarks to make........ <br />