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COMMISSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, arch 17, 1978 <br />FLOOR DISCUSSIONS <br />(Mr. Brademas continues): <br />They don't really want the cars, as they are a burden to them. When I drive <br />downtown about 5:00, or 5:45, or even 6 o'clock in the morning, you could <br />literally shoot a gun or a cannon down the streets and not really worry <br />about hurting anyone, because there is no one there. To be a great city <br />doesn't mean that you have to have people living in the heart of a city. <br />I do 't know if anyone of you has ever been to Helsinki, Finland, but that <br />is ap absolutely charming city, and they have many people who are living in <br />the heart of the city. London, obviously one of the major cities, has <br />many people living right in the heart of the city. This, I believe, makes <br />a great deal of sense. At the same time, I have been concerned, as I know <br />that the Commission has been, about the fact that some of the merchants, <br />who are going to be displaced from the Century Mall project, have taken the <br />Commission to court to try to prevent them from carrying this out solely <br />on the basis that these people, who are going to be displaced, feel that this <br />will effectively put them out of business. I think that the history of the <br />way he program has operated here in this community, as well as many other <br />comm nities, would support that idea. That doesn't need to be the case. <br />I tae off my hat to the group who has come forward to propose to carry out <br />the entury Mall development. I think that local men and women who get <br />toge her and carry out these kinds of developments should be supported. <br />On tie other hand, with one or two exceptions, I do not believe, and I am <br />not asting any excursions on the group, that they have had a long time <br />inve tment or involvement in the downtown. By that I don't mean investment <br />in 1 nd; I am talking about people such as Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Hawley, who <br />in fact, have devoted most of their adult lives to the central retail core <br />here in downtown. I think they should, therefore, be given every conceivable <br />opportunity to remain in the downtown. I have some drawings here with me <br />this morning that will accomplish a number of these objectives. <br />(Placed drawings on the board and spoke as follows): <br />All i <br />wherf <br />hand! <br />you <br />on tl <br />poi n- <br />to yc <br />the i <br />prop( <br />genes <br />that <br />th ey <br />)f you are familiar with the old American Bank Building and the block <br />Wymans was located. Speaking as an architect, I believe it is a very <br />;ome building; unfortunately, it is not being very well utilized because <br />:an't get to the second and third floors. It is, as the Commission knows, <br />ie acquisition list, so it does not present any problem from the stand- <br />: of acquisition in the sense that the owners would object. I can report <br />►u today that I have had an opportunity to speak with virtually all of <br />iajor lending institutions in the community. I have presented this <br />)sal to them, as well as to the administration, and I have received a <br />,al feeling of support from the institutions. In addition, the bank, <br />acts as a trustee on a major portion of this site, has indicated that <br />would offer no objection to the property being acquired if a fair price <br />