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COMMISSIPNER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, March 17, 1978 <br />6. NEW $USINESS <br />C. (CONTINUED) <br />Mr.' Brownell: The proposed contract provides for work to be done within <br />thirty days, and to be billed at $2,100.00 to review the appraisals that <br />have been made. There are thirty such reports; fifteen from each appraiser. <br />Mr. imtz: Mr. Butler, is this a HUD requirement? <br />Mr. Butler: Yes, this is a HUD requirement. <br />Mr. Wiggins moved approval of the proposed agreement with Mr. Ralph C. <br />Michaels to act as reviewing appraiser, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, and it was <br />carr -ied. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Thero were no progress reports at this time. <br />FLOOR DISCUSSIONS <br />e Chair at this time, recognized Mr. T. Brooks Brademas: <br />Mr. rademas: I will try to be as brief as possible, but what I would like <br />to s are with you this morning will require a little time to explain and you <br />may Vave some questions. As an architectural designer I am unable to commun- <br />icatE without drawings, so if you will bear with me, I will try to place these <br />(dra ings) where they may be easily seen. What I would like to present to you <br />this morning is a proposal that I think will help the City in conjunction with <br />the rroposed mall development. I will be coming before the Commission with some <br />chances in a section of the downtown, but in terms of priority, I believe that <br />what I am proposing today certainly, in my view, has first priority. I have <br />just received permission to occupy the 8- story, 4 -unit high rise apartment <br />building that was just completed for the elderly in the 100 Center. I was <br />impressed by the fact that a substantial number of the tenants moving into <br />that development, while it is true that they are elderly, were not receiving a <br />subsidy, or if they were, only a minor amount of subsidy. I think that this <br />speaks well for the kind of thing that I want to share with the Commission today. <br />There are people in the community who have contributed a great deal, and I am <br />thinking of women such as Janet Allen, Virginia Guthrie, and my own mother who <br />has been a teacher in the area for many years. All of these wonderful women <br />are now retired. They do not require, nor do they need large homes, as they <br />are in most cases, by themselves, and yet to try to find housing in close <br />proximity, (the kind they are interested in), such as our cultural center, is <br />very difficult. About the closest apartment housing that we have would be <br />possibly the Mar -Main. Many people in that circumstance' do not require cars. <br />-7- <br />