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COMMISSIER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, rch 17, 1978 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />b. (CONTINUED) <br />Mr. Wiggins: I will carry this a step further. The house, after it becomes <br />renewed, is then awarded on a no- profit basis to a family who is selected <br />and agrees to maintain it. In many cases this family will help finish the <br />work involved, or at least a part of it. This type of thing not only renews <br />buildings, it tends to renew neighborhoods. There is a hidden blessing here <br />that I think is quite important. <br />Mr. onaldson: Where is RENEW, INC, located, only in certain neighborhoods? <br />Mr. Wiggins: No, a part of this organization is out of Broadway Christian <br />Parish, and in the northwest group, Holy Cross is involved. It is basically <br />church sponsored with some oversight in it. <br />Mr. donaldson: Then, it is a general effort of the churches? <br />Mr. Wiggins: Yes, that is correct. <br />Mr. ave:Anderson: Is this the first time Redevelopment has gotten involved <br />with RENEW, INC.? <br />Mr. Wiggins: No, we have supported the program for the last three or four <br />years at least, and it has been to my knowledge, at least ten or twelve times. <br />Mr. Robinson: I understand that RENEW, INC. is trying to help itself, and <br />that they get the parishoners or others to help out on a volunteer basis; but <br />Mr. Wiggins said the magic word ..... that sometimes they do have to hire <br />someone to have the work done. Do they have the same provisions within this <br />loan set up whereby the wages have been established, and that is what the <br />empl yer must pay the employees? <br />Mr. Wiggins: That, I cannot tell you. <br />Mr. rownell: The question is ....... When RENEW has to hire a contractor, <br />because they don't have people with the expertise, are those contractors paying <br />the regular wages that are set for this area? <br />Mr. Schaller: I can't answer that, I really don't know. <br />Mr. Wiggins: Well certainly we can inquire with RENEW, INC. and have an <br />answ r for you at the next meeting. <br />Mr. Robinson: Shouldn't we delay this then until we get an answer? <br />Mr. iggins: I don't believe there is any question about that. It is <br />prob bly easier if we were to make that a stipulation. <br />Mr. gobinson: If that is the stipulation, then I will agree. <br />-5- <br />