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COMMISSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, arch 17, 1978 <br />6. NEW OUSINESS (CONTINUED) <br />a. ommission approval of bids for contract award, subject to South Bend <br />ommon Council approval and legal counsel review was requested for the <br />0llowing• <br />om Ford Home Improvement Company $46,366.60 <br />t was noted by Mr. Brownell that although Newbill Construction was <br />he lowest bidder, they were not recommended to receive the bid because <br />hey did not file the required bond as set forth in paragraph 6a of the <br />nstructions to Bidders, therefore, it was recommended that the contract <br />e awarded to Tom Ford Home Improvement Company, the next lowest bidder. <br />r. Robinson moved the approval of the Tom Ford Home Improvement Company <br />id, subject to Common Council approval and legal counsel review, seconded <br />y Mr. Wiggins and carried. <br />b. bequest for Commission approval on the following Rehabilitation Grant: <br />1637 South Grant Street $5,000.00 RENEW, INC. <br />r. Brownell read the application and mentioned that it was recommended <br />y the Bureau of Housing, South Advisory Committee. Mr. Brownell asked <br />r. Kenneth Schaller if the cost for doing the job was more than $5,000.00, <br />ut RENEW, INC. has agreed to take care of the overage. Mr. Schaller <br />eplied that this was true. <br />r. Nimtz: Don, are you keeping any contacts with RENEW, INC. or not? <br />r. Wiggins: I am basically familiar with the program. This is, I feel, <br />real good community effort, and I feel this is the sort of thing that <br />e ought to foster all we can. It gets a lot of people in the neighbor - <br />ood into the act, which has a lot to do in helping stability. <br />r. Donaldson: Who is RENEW, INC., I am not familiar with the name? <br />r. Wiggins: RENEW, INC. is a church operated group. The group will get <br />number of volunteers to do a lot of the work. <br />r. Brownell: We put the $5,000.00 into a joint bank account. The account <br />s joint between RENEW, INC., and the Bureau of Housing. The money out of <br />hat account is withdrawn to pay for the work, and the materials primarily. <br />ccasionally, they have to contract a part of it, but most of the time, the <br />ork is done by themselves. <br />-4- <br />