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6. (b) �ontinued- <br />Mr. Johnson: In this case it doesn't have anything to do with it but I <br />am just saying that when you have both doors, you realize that on the open <br />market you might be able to buy them a lot cheaper, but in our program <br />we have to pay these men $8.00 per hour and that is taken into consideration <br />too. <br />Dan aesar: An aluminum storm door wholesale would run $30.00 and that <br />come with the frame - how long does it take to install one? I myself <br />inst lled one in about half an hour. <br />Mr. rownell: I don't think you caught what he was telling you - we have <br />to p y a minimum wage which runs approximately $8.00 per hour, which is <br />a gr at deal more than you are paying in the open market. <br />Mr. obinson: Even so, like what Dan is saying Wayne, if he installed one <br />himself in half an hour and we realize we are talking about the possi- <br />bility of the structure itself being in worse condition than what Dan's <br />particular residence is in, he is saying that a $125.00 fee is excessive. <br />I would say its a little bit excessive Dan but I don't think its way out <br />unreasonable. <br />Mr. Caesar: Does it take ten hours to install that door? <br />Mr. Robinson: He's got to make his markup on the product, then he has to <br />take care of his overhead and insurance and all the other things the law <br />requires him to take care of - he has to make a margin of profit and the <br />cost of material, so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it <br />took him a couple hours to hang it, it (the price) is not excessive. <br />Mr. Wiggins: You know, you are comparing doors without seeing either one <br />of them - you don't know that they can buy this door for $30.00. <br />Mr. Robinson: There are too many unknown factors Dan to give you a bonified <br />flat answer... every condition would be different. <br />Mr. Wiggins: They are not losing any money on this.. <br />Mr. Robinson: Amen, they are not losing money I agree, but I wouldn't say <br />its way out there to an extreme either. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried to approve <br />CO #l, as recommended by the Project Director. <br />c. The #2, 1342 Poland Street, deletion of ceiling tile repair, 1st floor, <br />addion of replace ceiling tile, bedroom #1, 1st floor, for a net increase <br />in contract price of $190.00. <br />Mr. iggins moved for approval of this change order as recommended by the <br />Project Director, Mr. Schaller, seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />d. CO #3, 605 S. Kaley Street, deletion of "replace lattice work, deck, <br />repair east and north foundations and replace and paint steps "; and the <br />addition of "replace front porch with concrete including concrete steps, <br />one corner post, two regular posts and one steel railing on steps, and <br />replace 20' steel railing on the front porch ", net increase of $400.00. <br />