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Sou h Bend Redevelopment Commission Meeting Minutes <br />Pag Four <br />Dec ,ber 2,1977 <br />6. 1 NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />repair of the home. Mr. Harcus indicated that he had <br />personally seen this house and this truly was a case of <br />a bad situation in disguise. The shifting of the home <br />from the foundation could not be seen from the outside <br />and was truly visible from the torn up kitchen floor which <br />revealed termite damage to the floor joists. Mr. Robinson <br />was in agreement that this could be possible, but still <br />wondered about the great delay in repairs. Mr. Davis <br />indicated that the procedure has been cut down in time <br />considerably, but all bids have to be published _fourteen <br />days, bids evaluated, low bidder determined, cleared <br />by the Advisory Board, the Redevelopment Commission and <br />then if the amount is over what is allowed by the Common <br />Council, approval of the contract must be sought from the <br />Council. Mr. Davis indicated that because of the volume <br />of paper work many contractors are discouraged and it does <br />take extra time. Mr. Robinson moved for approval of the <br />change order, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried. <br />b. Commission approval is requested of the following <br />bid contracts: <br />B.W. Electric Company <br />R.A. Stickler Plumbing <br />Area Services, Inc. <br />Charles Brown Maintenance <br />Mr. Brownell read the necessary <br />above bids on contracts and the <br />were made by the Commission: <br />$11,461.00 <br />4,839.00 <br />2,100.00 <br />§52,157.00 <br />bid tabulations for the <br />following determinations <br />Mr. Robinson moved the approval of the B.W. Electric <br />Company bid as seconded by Mr. Cira and carried. <br />Mr. Cira moved the approval for the Stickler Plumbing <br />bid seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />Mr. Robinson moved the approval of the Area Services bid, <br />seconded by 1_!.4r. Cira and carried. <br />Mr. Cira moved the approval of the bid by Charles Brown <br />Maintenance seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />Mr. Robinson made the point that if at any time a particular <br />bidder is substantially busy with contracts, that the next <br />lowest bidder should be allowed to receive a bid to facilitate <br />prompt repair of the homes involved. <br />