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SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 18, 1977 <br />PAGE FOUR <br />6. NEd BUSINESS (CONT'D) <br />Da gles the legal financing officer at the regional HUD office in Chicago <br />ani to all of the unsuccessful bidders. The interest is higher than the <br />rate we pay now and will result in increasing the interest payment due in 1978, <br />Au ust from an estimated cost of $43,900 to an actual interest cost of <br />$51,087.40 an increase of about $7,187.00. I forsee no difficulty in <br />pa ing off the interest and principal in August of 1978. The interest rate <br />is an increase of six tenths of one percent over the -last rate. Mr. <br />Ni tz indicated that this be received and placed on file. <br />c.l Indiana & Michiaan Electric Companv reauest for easement <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that the Indiana &"Michigan Electric Company are <br />re uesting an easement to be granted, an easement that was requested before <br />anJ we held it up thinking that the park department was going to come into <br />ow ership of this land, but as we still own the land and the Indiana & <br />Mi higan Electric , Company installed the lines and now are seeking the <br />ea ment to make it legal. Mr. Butler indicated that he was not familiar <br />en ugh with the situation to make any recommendation at this time, and <br />su gested that the Commission authorize this per legal counsel review. <br />Mr. Nimtz asked for approval subject to legal counsel review and to <br />ad ise the Park Department of this situation, moved by Mr. Wiggins and <br />su ported by Mr. Cira the motion uninamously carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a.IMonthly resorts for the Northeast and North Housing Assistance Programs <br />Mr. Davis in his report indicated that work is in progress in the Northeast <br />Pr ject Area. Contract #2 has been started and Contract #3 will begin in <br />th month of November. All facets of the Northeast Assistance Program are <br />fu ctioning smoothly. In reporting to Mr. Brownell and Mr. DeLee Mr. Davis <br />in icated that physical rehabilitation is in progress in both the Northeast <br />and the Northwest Project Areas. Contract #2 is being completed in the north- <br />east area and work will start on Contract #3 in this same area in the month <br />of November. Contracts numbered 3B & 5 are in process in the northwest area <br />with contract #6 scheduled to be opened November 18, 1977. Progress is good <br />in both the northeast and northwest Assistance Areas. Mr. Nimtz indicated <br />th t this be received and placed on file. <br />Mr. Robinson asked about the progress of the law suits, Mr. Nimtz indicated <br />that both law suits, that against the Mayor and the appeal relative to our <br />resolution are both scheduled for November 28 with one in the morning and one <br />in the afternoon before Judge Miller. <br />10 <br />of <br />pr <br />th <br />Brownell indicated for the information of the Commission that does not <br />iuire action,the IBM copy machine contract is due to expire at the end <br />this month. The purchase price of the machine is $6,900 and the rental <br />ce which includes maintenance is $232.80 a month. Mr. Brownell indicated <br />.t he recommended that this contract be renewed for another year. <br />!re was no quarrel with allowing this contract to be renewed for another year. <br />