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REDEVELO MENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 4, 1977 <br />PAGE NIN <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT'D) <br />pla is` developed along two goals recognizing the need of peripheral <br />dev lopments downtown. Consequently, two tracts were designated <br />for elderly housing with a numerical goal of 211 units. We also <br />rec gnize the need for the location of lower income people and so <br />any development that would tend to do that then is consistent. <br />We boil it down to this particular situation where two good <br />deVE lopments are proposed and both are consistent with the housing <br />system point. The city administration is not particularly promoting <br />one or the other, in fact we talked to Mr. Brademas in detail about <br />the possibility of tying in with Harbor homes where there was another <br />zoning problem. The reason we talked to Mr. Brademas about that was <br />because of his consistence with business of the deconcentration of <br />lower income people and rearranging the choice of location of housing. <br />Consistently the city has said we need more units available, we <br />need more units for small and large families and we have said that <br />particularly for the elderly we would prefer downtown location. <br />However, we would not object to a development opportunity in the <br />outlaying areas if it is a consistent deconcentrating housing idea. <br />In a nut shell the City administration has pushed neither quietly with <br />HUD or publicly for that matter. We have said to HUD that we don't <br />object to either if either developer can clear the zoning hurdles <br />and et HUD's approval. <br />The hair will direct this letter be received and placed on file with <br />no 4rther action necessary. <br />7. The next Commission meeting was announced to be November 18, 1977 <br />at 1D:00 a.m. <br />8. There being no further business Mr. Donaldson moved for adjournment <br />seco ded by Mr. Robinson and carried unanimously. The meeting <br />adjo rned at 10:50 a.m. <br />F. Ja z, President ell, Executive Dir. <br />