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REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 4, 1977 <br />PAGE SEVEN <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT'D) <br />cussed this very item and that more training and upgrading of the <br />inspectors was a future goal. The motion carried unanimously. <br />b) C mmission approval is requested of the following change orders <br />r quested by the Bureau of Housing South: <br />11. Change Order #1 Contract No. CS -1 101 to increase by $50.00 <br />Mr. ohnson indicated that this change order was for the replacement <br />of a bathroom water closet collar. Mr. Robinson moved for approval <br />supp rted by Mr. Wiggins and carried unanimously. <br />21. Change Order #3 Contract Set 3/10 to increase by $702.72 <br />Mr. Johnson indicated that this change order was to repair water <br />dame e to dining and living room ceilings caused by leakage from <br />the second floor bathroom. The contractor would secure the present <br />ceiling while installing new ceiling tile by screwing one by three <br />furring strips to the second floor joist. When asked why not ,just <br />plaster patching Mr. Schaller replied that in most cases it is just <br />as e pensive to patch the plaster as it is to replace the ceiling. <br />By removing the loose parts of the ceiling and screwing the furring <br />stri s to the floor joist the remainder of the ceiling would be held <br />inta t. Mr. Donaldson moved for approval supported by Mr. Robinson <br />and 3arried unanimously. <br />3�Change Order #4 Contract Set 3/10 to increase by $523.00 and <br />decrease by $173.00 for a total increase of $350.00. <br />This change order will correct damage to the kitchen and rear hallway <br />ceilings by a leak in the roof that had been corrected. Ceiling tile <br />will be installed in each room by securing one by three furring <br />strips into the joist. Mr. Wiggins moved for approval seconded by <br />Mr. Donaldson and carried unanimously by the Commission. <br />At t is time Mr. Nimtz read into the record of the meeting the <br />foil wing letter from One Hundred Center Development Company as <br />sign d by T. Brooks Brademas: <br />"Dea Members of the Commission: I am taking this opportunity to <br />shar with you my continuing concern that I know you share for the <br />succ ssful renewal of our central area. Nothing is more critical <br />to tie future health and welfare of our community of South Bend than <br />a su cessful rebirth of the central area. I am hopeful that all of <br />you ieard Secretary Patricia Roberts Harris' remarks when she was <br />visi ing the city last week, in which she stated that one of the <br />corn rstones of energy conservation is the revitalization of the <br />central cities. She noted that there is where sewage, utility, and <br />transportation facilities are more economically concentrated. She <br />specifically stated that we will achieve this revitalization goal <br />through new construction of low and moderate income housing in the <br />