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REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING <br />OCTOBER 2t, 1977 <br />Page Six <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT'D <br />b) had been installed in the house. The home owner and the contractor <br />got together, we explained to her that we couldn't give her any <br />additional cost for the storm windows but if she could find anything <br />in the house that she could possibly do hereself and it wasn't a <br />major code violation we would allow her to exchange for some storm <br />wind ws. The contractor is giving her the storm windows at his cost <br />which is much cheaper, about $25.00 cheaper a piece. This contractor <br />is the same contractor that was going to do the painting. Mr. Wiggins <br />indicated that if the home owner worked out a bargain we ought not to <br />stand in her way. Mr. Wiggins moved for approval, supported by Mr. <br />Robi son and carried. <br />c) Commission approval is requested for fund allocation for non - profit <br />group rehabilitation on the structure at 126 East Dubail Avenue <br />(RENEW INC.) for $4,657.47. <br />The Advisory Board approved this request subject to the approval of <br />the Commission, and if approved the contract between the Redevelopment <br />Commission and RENEW INC. should be signed by the parties listed on <br />the contract form. Mr. Wiggins moved for approval, and seconded by <br />Mr. Robinson the motion carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that there were no progress reports and <br />this completed all of our formal business so we could next go to <br />the continuation of the public hearing. <br />Mr. TTimtz desired to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from Mayor <br />Nemeth which arrived yesterday and was too late to be placed on the <br />agenda, which reads: "I am writing this letter to request that you and <br />your fellow commissioners consider removing the Odd Fellows Building <br />from the proposed amendment to the downtown urban renewal plan. <br />While I still believe that the inclusion of the Odd Fellows Building <br />in the plan change is essential to insure the success of the renewal <br />prof ct, it has become obvious that the owners of the building, 104 <br />South Main Joint Venture, intend to legally obstruct the project for a <br />lengthy period especially in view of statements to that effect made <br />by one of the members of the group. Inasmuch as the property for <br />Century Mall must be ready for bidding by April of 1979, an undue <br />delay in meeting that timetable could mean the failure of the overall <br />prof ct. Therefore, I am requesting that the Odd Fellows Building be <br />removed from Redevelopment Resolution No. 540 in the hope that the <br />remaining properties can be acquired and the project proceed without <br />unnecessary delay. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter <br />I remain very truly yours Peter J. Nemeth." <br />The ( <br />cons: <br />hear: <br />part <br />from <br />'hair will direct that this be received and placed on file for <br />Aeration following the full hearing and adjournment of the public <br />.ng on this matter. Are there any comments or questions on the <br />of the Commission. Mr. Anderson requested a copy of the letter <br />Mayor Nemeth. <br />