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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meting - October 7, 1977 <br />A questioi was asked by Ms. Jeanne Derbeck: "Why has the agreement between <br />redevelopers and the Redevelopment Commission regarding the purchase of project <br />land been tabled ?" "Do you want to have the public hearing first ?" Mr. Nimtz's <br />reply: think we ought to hear the evidence before a decision is made." <br />Ms. Derbe k asked, "Is this decision then considered crucial ?" "Yes ", replied <br />Mr. Nimtz Mr. Joseph D. Anderson replied with regard to the same item: "Has <br />that agre ment been signed by all the parties, and is that proposed contract <br />a matter f public record, at present, available to me ?" Mr. Butler stated that <br />the docum nt has gone down to HUD, and that he gathered that it is a document <br />that can e made available. Mr. Anderson asked: "Would you agree to make one <br />available to me ?" "Sure, if it is alright with the Chair ", said Mr. Butler, and <br />upon whici Mr. Nimtz said he had no objection. Ms. Jeanne Derbeck asked: "Could <br />a copy of the agreement be made available to the press ?" "I will see if we can <br />get copie3 made," replied Mr. Butler. Mr. Anderson asked Mr. Butler: "In your <br />opinion, Joes this proposal agreement, despite the fact of its tardiness, meet <br />the requirements 'of the South Bend Common Council, as set forth in their meeting ?" <br />"No, it has been submitted to HUD for their approval because it was a HUD <br />requireme t initially ", replied Mr. Butler. "When was it submitted to HUD, <br />Kevin ?" a ked Mr. Anderson. "Last Friday, a week ago today ", replied <br />Mr. Butler. "This postponement is for when ?" asked Mr. Anderson. "Let me <br />say this, replied Mr. Nimtz, the public hearing on this whole matter is set for <br />10:00 A.M., we will recess this meeting and proceed to the 13th floor in the <br />Board of 3ublic Works room, and I anticipate that they may not complete the <br />hearing t is morning, and we may recess that public hearing until a later date. <br />Particularly, Mr. Jannotta, our research consultant on real estate cannot be here <br />today, al hough he has submitted a report. I anticipate that we will recess the <br />meeting tD a later date and pending the completion of the public hearing, if <br />that is c rrect or true, then this resolution or agreement will be on the Agenda <br />for October 21, 1977. I have directed now that it be placed on the Agenda for <br />October 21, 1977. I cannot say whether we will act on it that date, because <br />I don't k ow the status of the public hearing as of that date, and whether we <br />will have completed all the testimony and material on the project." "You <br />are prese tly contemplating the carry over of this 10:00 meeting for the <br />convenience of the commission ?" asked Mr. Anderson. Mr. Nimtz then answered <br />"Yes, that is right, for the convenience of everyone who might want to present <br />any additional views or testimony." "Well, let us assume, Mr. Nimtz, that you <br />choose a later date for a continuation, which date is convenient we have <br />arranged for today. Will that same courtesy be afforded us ?" "We will <br />certainly attempt to hear everybody, yes ", replied Mr. Nimtz. "Thank you ", <br />replied Mr. Anderson. <br />8. NEXT (COMMISSION MEETING <br />The next regular commission meeting will be October 21, 1977, at 10:00 A.M. <br />With the further provision that this particular meeting may not have that <br />completed until just before that date. <br />9 <br />