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7. FLOORIDISCUSSION CONT'D <br />the m eting. Mr. Butler stated that this is not required, the items came <br />to Mr. Brownell after the original agenda had been posted and we are not <br />limit d to the agenda that is posted. Ms. Schankerman objected to this to <br />which Mr. Butler added that the "sunshine law" is ambigious in this respect. <br />Mr. Joseph D. Anderson interjected by saying that "the answers I have heard are <br />based on legality or illegality; whether or not the "sunshine act" may or may <br />not a ply. Do these resolutions involve public funds ?" Mr. Butler answered no. <br />The r solution adopted today strictly...Mr. Anderson asked if they (the resolution) <br />invol ed state, federal or city funds...Mr. Butler answered that he thought all <br />of out actions involved funds, public funds. Mr. Anderson stated "that from <br />the c aracter of the answers I have heard here since I got in here it appears <br />to me that the Commission is hiding behind the fact that in your opinion the <br />"suns ine law" does not apply—that you are saying that even in matters <br />of gr at public interest which you knew before this meeting were of great <br />publi interest, will not be publicized to the public or the press to know <br />in ad ance. You will run it through your normal routine fashion whether the <br />publi is interested or not and I believe that hiding behind the "sunshine law" <br />or an thing else that is a matter of great public interest is contrary to <br />your cath of office." Mr. Butler added that he did not think anyone was <br />hidinc behing the law, that he was just pointing out that the requirements <br />of th "sunshine law" in these meetings were determined in his mentioned <br />opinion of that law. As far as the resolution is concerned it was not un- <br />avail ble for any reason other than it had not been prepared... Mr. Anderson <br />intern pted by saying that "perhaps if preparation takes that long there should <br />be a (elay in bringing it before the Commission and afford the public an opportunity <br />to hear it." Mr. Butler added that when that item was under discussion by the <br />Commissioners, when the people from the audience had an opportunity to discuss <br />the r solution...Mr. Anderson interrupted... "Mr. Butler if it takes you until <br />the last minute to prepare the resolution, how long do you think it takes laymen <br />to in uire into the meaning of its legality, its pertinence, do you think it will <br />take ihem 30 seconds ?..." Mr. Butler answered "No, the resolution was available <br />about 15 minutes before the meeting ... my point is that if there was concern by <br />anyone in the audience with respect to those resolutions they could have asked <br />at that time that they be given time to question and review. I heard no <br />discussion at all concerning the resolution." Mr. Anderson added "this is <br />after thought." Mr. Butler added that we have handled many matters before that <br />have been deferred... Mr. Anderson added "for reasons best known' to the public.." <br />Mr. W ggins objected to that statement: " the actions were taken at public <br />meetings whatever public was here, heard what went on, if they have had any <br />input there has never been any meeting of the Commission to my knowledge, and <br />I have attended practically all of them, to where the public has not had a full <br />opportunity to provide input. With all due respect to you sir, this is the first <br />time I have seen you at one of our meetings.." Mr. Anderson replied that "this is <br />the f rst time that the private actions of the Mayor, Common Council, and all the <br />elected and appointed officials of the City have tried to trample on the public <br />right so openly and obviously." <br />Mr. N mtz recognized Mrs. Allen: <br />Mrs. Allen asked if the resolution's purpose was to close out the Project R -66 <br />in 19118 to which Mr. Brownell answered yes, a financial close out which will <br />happep in August of 1978. Mrs. Allen asked if there would be another extension <br />to th s project to which Mr. Brownell answered no, absolutely not, HUD has been <br />pushitig us to close out for years and now we have agreed to do so in August of 1978. <br />(10) <br />