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South E <br />Specia' <br />August <br />5. (C( <br />end Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting <br />12, 1977 <br />inued) <br />Absent <br />rt J. Cira <br />The President thereupon declared said motion unanimously carried and <br />resolution adopted. <br />6. Mr Brownell clarified with Ms. Chelminiak her questions about the <br />meeting with HUD on Tuesday, August 16, that the meeting was on the <br />matter of the Urgent Needs Funds in the amount of $2,100,000 for the <br />ma 1 project and that HUD needs to approve this plan but cannot do so <br />un ess the plan is approved locally. <br />7. Mr. Butler replied to Ms. Derbeck that Resolution 540 is the third <br />amendatory resolution to the basic declaratory that was adopted in <br />1967 by the Commission along with all of the other needed approvals <br />such as Area Plan , Common Council, and a confirming resolution by <br />the Commission and then approval by HUD. We have amended the Urban <br />Re ewal Plan in 1973, again in 1976, and are now amending in 1977. <br />Basically, the initial resolutions in each case have been identical in <br />lariguage but the difference is in the amendments to the Urban Renewal <br />Plan, Document R 213, our plan changes, amending pages 13, 14, and <br />al o the land acquisition tabulations of three pages. <br />8. Ka <br />Ma <br />bu <br />so <br />of <br />it <br />sty <br />to <br />Boi <br />un, <br />we <br />101 <br />pr- <br />na, <br />oui <br />by <br />in <br />in- <br />en Gleason, executive director of the Civic Planning Association and <br />y Chris Adams, Councilwoman, expressed their concerns about the <br />lding of a new parking garage as part of the mall plan, the need for <br />e flexibility in the plan, further loss of the tax base as a result <br />the redevelopment process, and the fear that the city will not protect <br />elf against a possible failure of the mall to develop. Mr. Wiggins <br />Mr. Robinson expressed their opinions to Ms. Gleason and Ms. Adams <br />ting that these arguments are the same arguments that we listened <br />years ago when we first started the redevelopment of the downtown. <br />h commissioners expressed that the mini mall project is one of <br />queness, that the downtown is the pride of any community and that <br />will not let our inner core rot. The development proposal is one by <br />al businessmen with reputations at stake and these men have an obvious <br />de in our community to want to take on a project such as this is in <br />ure. As far as the feasibility of the increase in parking facilities, <br />Century Center will be the basis for much of the increase in traffic, <br />conventions, theatre, civic events. Mr. Wiggins added that the tax base <br />the downtown has not decreased that it has in fact tripled since our <br />tial redevelopment efforts. <br />