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6. NEW �USINESS (Continued) <br />a. (Continued) <br />eople's standards. I am sure no,one wants to be involved in a <br />rogram that could have as a result, a poor job kind of thing, <br />here the work that is being done for these people is of a poor <br />uality and won't hold up. We have had enough problems in that <br />rea with the wages we've paid and the contractors that have <br />een hired. <br />r. Cira: It's going to create more interest with the smaller <br />ontractor. It's been obvious that the larger contractor is not <br />nterested in doing this kind of work. <br />r. Wiggins: I don't know how people can be attracted to making <br />ess money. It just always seemed to go the other way around to <br />e. If you wanted to attract more people, you raised the ante -- <br />ou didn't put the carrot further out ahead of the donkey. The <br />onkey is going to quit after awhile. <br />ir: What is the pleasure of the commission? <br />r. Butler: Could I ask another question of Keith? Have you <br />hecked into the possibility of - since this is not a requirement <br />n this area, the C. D. monies for the single family rehab -- <br />ave you checked into the possibility of our voluntarily requiring <br />he prevailing wage rate to be paid by the contractors, and at <br />he same time, eliminating perhaps some of the (and I have no <br />dea what the reporting requirements are), but maybe returning <br />o the reporting system of a couple of years ago, if that was <br />dequate. Obviously you couldn't eliminate reporting altogether <br />ecause we have seen what occurs when there is no reporting, no <br />heck at all. <br />r. Wiggins: In that same light, Counselor, would it be possible <br />or us to establish the wage rate? <br />r. Butler: In effect, we would state the . . . <br />r. Wiggins: We would establish a minimum wage rate. <br />r. Butler: . . . that would correspond to what the commission <br />elt would be reasonable. <br />Ir. Wiggins: I certainly wouldn't want to be a part of getting <br />ome cut - throat competition going here. <br />hair: Hearing no motion, the Chair would direct that this be <br />laced on the table and that it be placed on the agenda for the <br />ext meeting . . . for further investigation and report. <br />b. ommission authorization to request consideration for setting <br />ip an Urban Redevelopment Fund, with letter to members of the <br />ommon Council. C. Wayne Brownell indicated that the letter <br />e prepared was to the Honorable Members of the Common Council, <br />A. al. He read the balance of the letter and the Chair asked <br />if this is part of the HUD regulations? <br />-13- <br />AUTHORIZATION <br />GIVEN TO <br />REQUEST <br />SETTING UP <br />URBAN <br />REDEVELOPMENT <br />FUND <br />