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6. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) <br />a. (Continued) <br />Mr. Robinson: Well, you don't know. You can assume that a lot <br />of it would go in the pocket and they are still cheating the <br />guys that are working. <br />Mr. Cira: I don't think that anyone who works for a contractor <br />though, Lloyd, is going to work for a dollar, or two or three an <br />hour. <br />Mr. Robinson: Bob, you are going to get people who are working <br />in a plant. They already have a steady wage coming in from <br />one entity and then they are going to be going out here for <br />hunting money, you know, other things -- and they are beating <br />the guy who doesn't have a job out of a job -- the so- called <br />"Moonlighting." <br />Ms. Allen: Then he has a better standard of living. <br />Mr. Robinson: Yes, the moonlighter does, but he is cheating the <br />poor guy who doesn't have a job to start with Ms. Allen -- out <br />of a job. <br />Ms. Allen: But if that man was good, it seems to me he ought <br />to have a job. <br />Mr. Cira: I really and truly don't agree with you Lloyd. I <br />don't totally agree with you. <br />Mr. Robinson: Would you want someone working on your home who <br />is qualified or would you rather have one they pick up off the <br />street because he's cheap? <br />Ms. Allen: There are quite a few men who are qualified and <br />haven't been able to find jobs, and if they could spread this <br />out a little bit more and get more done . <br />Mr. Robinson: Who establishes qualifications? <br />Ms. Allen: I would think the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development. <br />Mr. Robinson: Huh! That's like the blind leading the blind, Ms. <br />Allen. How many of them are qualified craftsmen . ok. . . <br />Mr. Wiggins: I wonder if it would be possible to continue this <br />and I would like to see a little more breakdown -- the size of <br />the contractors, the number of employees they have, the qualifi- <br />cations of the employees, this sort of thing -- to determine, to <br />a degree, what has been happening now and on that we might be <br />able to base some kind of projection as to what Keith thinks will <br />happen. . . has a fair chance of happening. I don't think anyone <br />in this -- at least speaking for myself -- wants to establish any <br />kind of a program that is going to result in a lessening of <br />-12- <br />