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COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETINGS <br />Novembe 19, 1976 <br />Paae 8 <br />6. (I) cont. Mr. Wiggins asked Mr. Crighton whether these figures were <br />alsc within the estimates. Keith asked permission to jump ahead to <br />Ite 6(m) - all the houses included in 6(k), (1) and (m) were part of <br />one contract. The Advisory Committee selected those homes where the <br />bid was closest to the estimate, proportionately, and rejected those <br />ite s that were not proportionate to our cost estimate. <br />Mr. Wiggins moved to approve award of above contracts as set forth, <br />wit second by Mr. Donaldson..motion carried. <br />(m) Southeast Bureau /Housing Contracts Set #6A, Rejected ... C. Wayne <br />Brownell read Mr. Schaller's letter which recommended rejection of <br />the following contracts, per recommendation by the Southeast Advisory <br />Boa d: <br />Mr. Wiggins moved to reject the above contracts with review and re- <br />adv rtisement for bids as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by <br />Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />There were no progress reports. <br />SOUTHEAST BUR. <br />HOUSING <br />CONTRACTS CS- <br />6/45,6/46,6/51 <br />and -6/52 <br />REJECTED <br />8. Following a solicitation of comments from the press and /or the public <br />by the Chair, there was an animated discussion of the Sears decision <br />to move from the downtown area with Mr. Dan Caesar of WSBT -TV asking- quote: <br />for some assurances that this kind of thing does not happen again - and <br />the downtown deteriorate even further since the Department of Rede- <br />vel pment played a prime role in the Sears decision and that of other <br />businesses, to relocate elsewhere ". <br />The Chair: "I might say that we are not discouraged or disheartened by <br />the Sears announcement, I am sure that we are going forward- I have reason <br />to believe that the Mayor and Dr. Wing are proceeding with further plans <br />and personally, I have no doubt that South Bend will survive and we will <br />be a livable, viable community." <br />Mr. Caesar: "What active role is the Redevelopment Department taking to <br />insure that something like this does not happen again with the remaining <br />business downtown ?" <br />The Chair indicated that this Department has had inquiries from people who <br />are interested in moving downtown - since the Sears announcement - and <br />discussions are being held with these people and Mr. Brownell, but we <br />are not at liberty to disclose who they are at this time. Plans ARE <br />being formulated for future development of the downtown. <br />S -6/45 <br />626 E. <br />Dubail Ave. <br />$6,945.00 Slatil.e Roofing,etal <br />S -6/46 <br />1214 S. <br />Carroll St. <br />7,540.00 " <br />S -6/51 <br />1803 S. <br />Fellows St. <br />6,908.00 <br />S -6/52 <br />420 E. <br />Haney St. <br />11,520.00 " <br />Mr. Wiggins moved to reject the above contracts with review and re- <br />adv rtisement for bids as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by <br />Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />There were no progress reports. <br />SOUTHEAST BUR. <br />HOUSING <br />CONTRACTS CS- <br />6/45,6/46,6/51 <br />and -6/52 <br />REJECTED <br />8. Following a solicitation of comments from the press and /or the public <br />by the Chair, there was an animated discussion of the Sears decision <br />to move from the downtown area with Mr. Dan Caesar of WSBT -TV asking- quote: <br />for some assurances that this kind of thing does not happen again - and <br />the downtown deteriorate even further since the Department of Rede- <br />vel pment played a prime role in the Sears decision and that of other <br />businesses, to relocate elsewhere ". <br />The Chair: "I might say that we are not discouraged or disheartened by <br />the Sears announcement, I am sure that we are going forward- I have reason <br />to believe that the Mayor and Dr. Wing are proceeding with further plans <br />and personally, I have no doubt that South Bend will survive and we will <br />be a livable, viable community." <br />Mr. Caesar: "What active role is the Redevelopment Department taking to <br />insure that something like this does not happen again with the remaining <br />business downtown ?" <br />The Chair indicated that this Department has had inquiries from people who <br />are interested in moving downtown - since the Sears announcement - and <br />discussions are being held with these people and Mr. Brownell, but we <br />are not at liberty to disclose who they are at this time. Plans ARE <br />being formulated for future development of the downtown. <br />