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COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Page 7 <br />Friday, November 19, 1976 <br />6. (j) ont. Mr. Wiggins moved to approve request for rehab funds for <br />744 Diamond Avenue, $3,287.00, Renew, Inc. Holy Cross Division, with <br />sec nd by Mr. Donaldson, motion carried. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins to approve request for rehab funds for <br />112 Birner St., Renew, Inc., Holy Cross Division, $1,432.00, seconded <br />by r. Donaldson and carried. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins to approve request for rehab funds for <br />722 S. Grant St., $3,701.00, Renew, Inc. Spanish Division, seconded by <br />Mr. Donaldson and carried. <br />(k) Southeast Bureau/Housin g Contract Award, Contract Set #6A..... <br />C. Wayne Brownell read the letter from Kenneth Schaller stating <br />that this bid from Slatile Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. for $7,980.00 <br />Contract No. 44, was the only bid received. Mr. Wiggins asked if <br />this bid comes within the range of our estimates. Keith said it is <br />a little high but our problem is that this is the third time we <br />have advertised on this in an attempt to get the cost down and we have <br />been unable to do it ... the house is just in poor condition. <br />Mr. Wiggins asked if it was fair to say that if we don't do something <br />soon, it will be a lost cause and Keith said "Yes, I'd sure say that." <br />Mr. Robinson asked if someone is residing in the house now and Keith <br />indicated that all of their houses are owner occupied. <br />CONTRACT SET <br />#6 -A, SOUTH- <br />EAST BUREAU <br />OF HOUSING <br />AWARDED TO <br />SLATILE ROOF, <br />CONTRACT CS- <br />5/44 <br />Mr. Linstaedt inquired whether about 90% of all bids received by South - <br />East Bureau of Housing come from Slatile and Madison? Keith said that <br />they receive bids sporadically from Brown Maintenance, Slatile, Madison <br />Combs Construction and others but this is a bad time of year, with <br />contractors trying to finish up their work from this past summer and <br />he d es not expect any increase in bidding until about January or February. <br />Mr. iggins then moved to approve award of contract to Slatile Roofing <br />& Sh et Metal, Inc. in the amount of $7,980.00, subject to Common <br />Council and Legal Counsel review and approval, seconded by Mr. Robinson <br />and otion carried. <br />(1) <br />Southeast Bureau /Housing Contracts Award, Contract Set #6A... <br />CONTRACT SET <br />C. Wayne <br />Brownell read the letter from Mr. Schaller requesting award <br />#6A, SOUTHEA� <br />of contracts <br />as recommended by the Southeast Advisory Board, as <br />BUREAU OF <br />follows: <br />HOUSING -CS -6i <br />CS-6/47 <br />717 E. Wenger St. $2,886.00 Slatile Roofing,etal <br />47,48,49 and '. <br />CS-6/48 <br />206 E. Sample St. 2,960.00 " " <br />CONTRACTS <br />CS-6/49 <br />127 E. Dubail Ave. 4,870.00 <br />AWARDED TO <br />CS-6/50 <br />605 -07 E. Keasey St. 2,920.00 " <br />SLATILE ETAL <br />