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COM ISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Pag 12 <br />Fri ay. November 19, 1976 <br />8. Open discussion, continued..... <br />Ms. Derbeck: "They could blame a Mayor or two ". <br />Mr. Wiggins: "They do, they do ". <br />Mr. Lindstaedt said that it seemed we have the best of two worlds <br />here, the parks and the scenic view which South Bend has improved <br />over the years but the bottom line that comes to any organization <br />is parking, no matter how you go about it. The main issue right <br />here in the downtown area is parking, and how do we get this bond <br />issue retired and get this white elephant off our backs. <br />Mr. Caesar said that 'parking" was an issue with Sears officials, <br />some of whom he talked with personally. <br />Ms. Derbeck asked whose side he (Mr. Caesar) was on—and he said <br />he was just making a comment. <br />The Chair: "Dan, I rhink Don has answered that - they (Sears) like <br />surface parking and in the downtown area, surface parking is ex- <br />pensive." <br />Ms. Derbeck: "I've got to say that we don't know that parking was <br />the big question, that's what they said ". <br />r. Wiggins: "I think there are probably emotional values in these <br />decisions, it's hard to be a completely reasonable person because <br />people are not machines, and you have to have some feelings cranked <br />in..." <br />Mr. Caesar: "Another reason was people are afraid to come downtown <br />at night, in spite of all the comments that were made about that, <br />increased foot patrols, etc., that was another prime concern of the <br />Sears officials, they were losing business because people were afraid <br />to come downtown ". <br />r. Wiggins: "I think Sears - and I can understand how it would happen <br />his way - had cranked South Bend into their projections, along with <br />very other community they have an interest in. Well, South Bend <br />is not 'every other community' and we have some differences here and <br />big part of this difference are the things we have already done <br />ere to set up the kind of setting - if you please - to drop the <br />jewel into. Well, the jewel did not fall but the setting is here <br />onetheless. I think that the attitude of this community - for ex- <br />ample, the kind of community spirit that came about with the departure <br />f Studebakers, which was a major blow - things of far less importance <br />in many other communities have killed the community. This didn't <br />ill South Bend. The kind of community support that rallied in this <br />instance, as far as the Sears decision was concerned, was indicative <br />thought of the kind of community we have and can have. South Bend <br />