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COMM SSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Page 11 <br />Frid y, November 19, 1976 <br />8. Ppen discussion, continued.... <br />emind people when they ask these questions, 'do you remember what <br />t was like before the Redevelopment Department started ... with the <br />mpty stores and the trash in front of the doorways and nobody <br />here to sweep it out, is that what we want to go back to ?" <br />. Caesar: "That was a matter of taking care of maintenance down - <br />Nn, as far as the trash and stuff..... <br />. Evans: "But nobody was doing it ". <br />. Caesar: "There were businesses downtown then but they aren't <br />here now ". <br />r. Wiggins: "I think that a big part of our problem is the attitude <br />f the community - and a big part of the attitude of the community <br />s the responsibility of the media, you have a large part in de- <br />ermining attitudes ". <br />Caesar: "The community isn't going to put stores downtown ". <br />r. Wiggins: "Part of that is reflected by the bias of the guy who <br />s doing the reporting ". Several of those present followed this <br />omment with an "amen ". <br />r. Caesar: "I recorded your statements, those of Mr. Nimtz and yours <br />D. Wiggins) and they are going to go on the air with slight editing <br />or time limitations only and the essence of what you say has always <br />been put forward to the people with no bias on my part whatsoever - <br />nd I dislike that kind of comment. I report the facts as you present <br />hem here." <br />evin Butler: "Dan, I think that you opened though with a couple <br />uestions with respect to your analysis of and impression of, what <br />ublic opinion is ". <br />r. Caesar: "I present the questions in order to gain answers ". <br />r. Wiggins: "But these questions which start out 'have you stopped <br />eating your wife...' it kind of puts you in a box you know ". <br />r. Butler: "I am not so sure that the public generally is blaming <br />he Redevelopment Department." <br />r. Caesar: "Who else ?" <br />r. Butler: "I don't know ". <br />Evans: "Why does the public have to blame anybody ?" <br />