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8. REdIGNATION OF MS. HELEN S. KINC, (CONT) <br />"Helen, we regret having you leave - we probably have the best set <br />of minutes of any board or commission in the city. I think the only <br />se for member who ranks you is Don (Wiggins) and I think it ought to <br />be noted that although the Federal government is usually best known <br />for its voluminous reports and such - more important is the kind of <br />things that people do ... the things that this Commission has been <br />doing and is doing - and they must depend on the staff for many things. <br />We have been very fortunate that we have had people who have done their <br />jot and more. I suppose in the rush of things we do not take as much <br />time as we should to express our appreciation for a job well done. <br />Certainly that is reflected in the kind of activities that go on here. <br />We probably have the best minutes anywhere around and this is due <br />to Helen's concern. She has gone beyond the usual sort of thing <br />to study and prepare herself for this work. A large 'thank you' <br />fr m me personally and certainly from the rest of the Commission. <br />I sked Wayne to bake a cake - did you get that done Wayne ?" <br />Mr. Brownell: "Yes, we did... ". <br />Mr. Nimtz: "All the people thank you " can I take you back to <br />Item 3, what was the work that the legal firm of Borge & Pitt did ?" <br />Mr. Brownell explained that for some months, we had been negotiating <br />with the Mayor and Mike Carmichael and the 2000 Corporation - you will <br />recall that we had some legislation to be passed, a bill to allow cities <br />to do certain things in financing. In our discussions with the bond <br />attorneys, they had questions about certain paragraphs of that bill, <br />whether our city could do what we wanted to do in regard to financing. <br />Then Mr. Butler said that briefly, specifically, the legislation <br />re erred to is the increment tax legislation. This firm in Chicago <br />ha had a great deal of experience with this type of financing in other <br />st tes. The Ice, Miller, Donadio & Ryan firm is not familiar with it. <br />Peter Donaldson asked how many hours of work were involved in this. <br />Mr. Butler indicated that he did not know but there were many, many <br />hours - two meetings in Chicago and Borge and his associates did F, <br />considerable work on this matter. The legislation was submitted in <br />September to the Legislative Counsel. <br />Ms. Derbeck asked if it was possible that this is something that will <br />never be used. It was pointed out by Mr. Brownell that if Sears does <br />no "go" then we need to be in a position to move further. Mr. Nimtz <br />indicated that who ever is handling the bill - it's purely a techni- <br />cality, it is required by the bond attorneys and it has been his <br />experience that it will pass - there will be no difficulty. <br />9. NEXT MEETING <br />ThE <br />wil <br />off <br />next regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Commission <br />be Friday, November 19, 1976, at 10:00 A.M.,E.S.T., in the <br />ces of the Department of Redevelopment. <br />- 7 - <br />NEXT COMM. <br />MEETING <br />11 -19 -76 <br />