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6. c) I <br />NEW BUSINESS, CONT. <br />1r. Brownell stated that we do not have the other documents - in LEGAL <br />iqht of this, Mr. Butler said that we should hold up adoption of COUNSEL <br />,he resolution until we have the bid documents for review and approval. <br />e normally do this - where there is an offer we should have proper <br />ocumentation. Mr. Butler suggested that what we might do is accept <br />he offer to purchase, subject to receipt of bid documents and review <br />nd approval of same by legal counsel. This way, we will not have <br />o wait until the next meeting to act on this. On the minutes of <br />his meeting we will show the acceptance of offer to purchase by Mr. <br />onneborn. Mr. Wiggins then moved to accept Mr. Sonneborn's offer <br />f $8,624.00 for Parcel 2 -6B, subject to submission of, and approval <br />y legal counsel, necessary bid documents. Motion was seconded by <br />r. Donaldson and carried. <br />) Resolution No. 536, Disposition Parcel 11 -15, Ind R -57: Mr. C. <br />ayne Brownell explained that this is a resolution authorizing <br />isposition of land in LaSalle Park, Ind. R -57, to Maureen A. <br />alczak. The Chair asked if there were any questions about this <br />ie - there being none, Mr. Wiggins moved to adopt Resolution <br />). 536, Mr. Donaldson seconded, motion carried. <br />e) Change Order #04, HAO House #36, SECD /HR /CS- 2/18 -53, Charles <br />Brown Maintenance Service 14,242.00: Mr. James L. Johnson's <br />memo dated Oct. 25, 1976 to Mr. Schaller, Southeast Project Direc- <br />t , requested deletion of HAO House #36 from the above contract. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried, the <br />a ove change order for deletion of House #36 was approved. <br />f Change Order #2, SECD /PR /CS -4/35, $6,589.00, 911 Marietta St., <br />Ned and Mendora Trotter, Slatile Roofing: This chance order is <br />Tor an increase in contract amount of $100.00, for replacement <br />of gutters and downspout on the north side of this structure. <br />Mr. Johnson indicated that usually, in an effort to keep contract <br />amount down, we replace only those gutters and downspouts which <br />have rusted through, in this case, they were replaced on the <br />South side only - then when the contractor got up on the roof, he <br />found the gutters on the north side and a section of downspout <br />w ich needed to be replaced as they had started leaking since the <br />original inspection was done. Mr. Donaldson asked why the inspec- <br />t r had not seen the damage when he did the inspection and Mr. <br />_:_:. Johnson said the inspectors do their work from the ground and often <br />the damage cannot be seen until the contractor is on the roof. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and carried, <br />the above change order was approved. <br />7. PR GRESS REPORTS. <br />No e. <br />8. RESIGNATION OF MS. HELEN S. KING. <br />Th� Chair acknowledged the resignation of Ms. Helen S. King as <br />Se retary to the Redevelopment Commission and made the following <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 536 <br />ADOPTED -DISP. <br />PARCEL #11 -15 <br />IND R -57 <br />CHANGE ORDER <br />#04, HAO HOUSE <br />#36, SECD /HR/ <br />CS- 2/18 -53 <br />DELETED FROM <br />CONTRACT <br />CHANGE ORDER <br />#2,SECD /PR/ <br />CS -4/35 <br />APPROVED <br />SECD HOUSING <br />PROGRAM <br />