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5. OLD BUSINESS. CONT. <br />work and ask them to submit new quotations. Mr. Slabaugh reported <br />that he had contacted the Hickey Company, they did not want to re- <br />duce their original quote of $2,593.00 so did not submit a new one. <br />MiAia Construction did not send in a new quotation - originally they <br />had quoted $2,217.00. Mr. Brownell then read a second letter from <br />Mr. Nunemaker dated November 4, 1976 which verified their bid for the <br />railing work, of $1,996.00 and also, Mr. Nunemaker came into the <br />office and discussed the matter with him. Since Nunemaker is still <br />the low bidder, Mr. Nimtz asked for "the pleasure of the Commission ?" <br />Mr. Wiggins said that at the time the bid was accepted and contract <br />a arded we thought we had a bargain, Nunemaker is still low bidder <br />a d we need to get going on this. Mr. Wiggins moved to accept the <br />a ended bid amount as set forth in Mr. Nunemaker's letter, of $1,996.00. <br />M . Cira seconded and motion carried. <br />b Change Order No. 5 and Pay Estimate No. 10, Contract No. 1, Plaza <br />Park, Project Indiana R -66: Mr. Brownell stated that he would <br />prefer that we do not act on this item today but lay it aside until <br />t e next meeting. Mr. Wiggins made the motion, seconded by Mr. Cira <br />arid carried, to carry over this item to the next meeting. <br />c Change Order No. 1 to Contract NWCD /PR /CS -1/07: This is for an <br />increase in contract amount of $949.00. You will recall the change <br />order resulted from the need to tuck point concrete block where <br />water was leaking into the basement - missing floor tile in the <br />kitchen, replace broken window pane and for new base cabinets in <br />t e kitchen. Mr. Pfeifer produced several pictures so the Commission <br />could see the repairs outlined in the change order. Since the cup - <br />b ards were hand made and not of regulation size, they would not <br />a comodate a new. sink, hence the need for new base cabinets. The <br />i itial inspection was made in September, 1975 and Notice to Proceed <br />was issued September 24, 1976, one year later. Further discussion <br />revealed that the inspector who had been responsible for the original <br />i spection was no longer with the Department but we are still stuck <br />with the kind of work he did. When asked if this figure includes the <br />new cabinet tops, Mr..Pfeifer said that it does - they just can't <br />put a new sink in the existing cabinet base because it will not fit. <br />Mr. Wiggins asked if the work is completed on the original contract. <br />My. Pfeifer said they cannot finish until they get approval from the <br />Commission for this change order. Mr. Wiggins said that since we <br />r ally have no choice he would move to approve the change order, <br />s conded by Mr. Cira and carried. <br />d. Amended Letter of Credit, St. Joseph River Bend Development Corp: <br />C. Wayne Brownell read letter from Mr. Lloyd Taylor, Vice -Pres. of <br />St. Joseph Bank & Trust Company, dated October "27, 1976, to which <br />was attached amended letter of credit from the St. Joseph River Bend <br />Development Corporation, extending the expiration date from November <br />7, 1976 to November 7, 1977. This is a simple matter - St. Joseph <br />River Bend Development gave us a letter of credit which ran out on <br />CHANGE ORDE <br />NO. 1, PAY <br />ESTIMATE #1 <br />CONTRACT #1 <br />PLAZA PARK <br />IND R -66 <br />CHANGE ORDE <br />NO. 1, <br />CONTRACT <br />NWCD /PR /CS <br />1/07 <br />AMENDED LET- <br />TER OF CREDIII <br />ST. JOSEPH <br />RIVER BEND <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />CORPORATION <br />vember 7, 1976 and the new letter will carry over to November 7, 1977. <br />n Wiggins moved to accept the amended letter of credit and place on <br />- 4 - <br />