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4. CORRESPONDENCE <br />a. HUD Area Office letter dated October 20, 1976: This letter is CONTRACT 39 <br />from Daniel B. Bowman, Director, Housing Production and Mortgage WAGE RATE <br />Credit Division and enclosed a wage rate decision IN 76 -2083 for DECISION <br />Demolition and Site Clearance Contract No. 39, Block 6, Project IND R -66 <br />Indiana R -66 and includes Modification No. 1, dated 8 -13 -1976, No. 2 <br />dat d 8 -20 -1976 and No. 3 dated 9- 3- 1976 ........... Ten days prior to <br />ope ing of bids or final contract sales or award, you should con- <br />tact this office in writing for the updated wage decision and <br />modifications." <br />b. UD Area Office letter dated October 21, 1976: This letter is IPA AUDIT <br />fro Mr. James E. Armstrong, Area Director, enclosing the original CONTRACT <br />and one copy of IPA Audit Contract for Project Indiana R -57 and IND R -57 <br />stating that paragraph seven (7) of the contract should be amended <br />to include the following statement: <br />"A statement identifying such certification or license <br />shall be attached to this agreement." <br />"T e cost of an IPA audit is an eligible project cost. You should <br />not pay the audit fee until you are authorized to do so by this <br />office."' <br />c. iUD Area Office letter dated October 28, 1976: This letter is DISPOSITION <br />froi Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director, Community Planning & Develop- PARCEL 2 -6A, <br />ment Division regarding the proposed sale of land in Central Down- 2 -6B, 2 -6C <br />town Project IN R -66, Disposition Parcel 2 -6. Mr. Havens requested IND R -66 <br />that we submit the re -use plan for these three parcels prior to <br />suci sale since a parcel of this size may require zoning variance <br />or ould create a serious marketability problem in the future. <br />Upon receipt of this letter, C. Wayne Brownell telephoned Ms. <br />Jac ueline Schmidt and explained the proposed disposition of these <br />thr e parcels - in detail, and she indicated we should go ahead and <br />pas the resolution at this meeting and send her a copy of that <br />res lution with a letter confirming our telephone conversation. <br />Fol owing a discussion, Mr. Robinson made a motion, seconded by Mr. <br />Wig ins, to receive these letters and place them on file. <br />5. OLDI BUSINESS. <br />a. Plaza Park Railing Contract, Project R -66: Mr. Brownell advised PLAZA PARK <br />thal this contract was awarded to G. R. Nunemaker Construction in RAILING <br />bid amount of $996.00, at the Commission Meeting of October 15, 1976. CONTRACT <br />He then read a letter from Mr. Nunemaker dated November 3, 1976, IND R -66 <br />which indicated that there was an error "of $1,000.00 in the <br />con ract amount. The bid should have read $1,996.00. The job <br />was figured last summer and was to be done in the warm months. <br />As <br />S1 al <br />result of this letter Mr. Brownell said he then asked Mr. <br />ugh to contact the three firms who had quoted on the contract <br />- 3 - <br />