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6. NEW $USINESS (Cont'd <br />Bidder's Name and Address Interest Rate Premium <br />Erlich -Bober & Company, Inc. 2.96% $143.00 <br />New York, N.Y. <br />By: American Fletcher National Bank, <br />Agent <br />Chemical Bank 2.97% 84.00 <br />In Association with: <br />A. G. Becker & Co. <br />Municipal Securities, Inc. <br />By: Chemical Bank, Municipal Bond Dept. <br />20 Pine St., N.Y., N.Y. <br />The Indiana National Bank 2.97% * 5.00 <br />One Indiana Square 3.01% ** 9.00 <br />Indianapolis, IN 46266 <br />Citibank, N.A. & Associates 2.98% 195.00 <br />95 Wall Street <br />New York, N.Y. 10015 <br />Pittsburgh National Bank 3.0% 193.00 <br />Pittsburgh, PA. 15230 <br />Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. 3.0% * ** -0- <br />In Association with: 3.03% * ** -0- <br />Lehman Commercial Paper 3.05% * * ** -0- <br />National Bank of North America <br />Denominations bid: <br />* $ 500,000 <br />** 3,721,000 <br />* ** 1,500,000 <br />* * ** 1,221,000 <br />4r. Brownell advised there will be 123 Project Notes in varying denomi- <br />iations making up the total of $4,221,000 for the successful bidder. <br />Ir. Brownell explained the effect of the Notes and advised the First <br />eries 1976 Project Notes are due on September 14, 1976, in the amount <br />f $6,951,000. The interest on those is $54,287.13 for a total of <br />7,005,287.31. The new Notes, in the amount of $4,221,000.00, leaves <br />total due from the Local Public Agency of $2,784,287.31. The cash <br />or this purpose is the Capital Grant received of $2 -112 Million, read <br />arlier under Communications, 4a. The following funds received, <br />rom Community Development $240,763.00, from land sales $44,427.00, <br />r a total of $2,785,190.00 with the grant. This amount will have to <br />e paid to the paying agent of the Bankers Trust Company on September <br />4, 1976. They will then subtract this amount, with a difference of <br />902.69, plus the premium of $143.00 from the bid will total $1,045.69 <br />hich they will send to us. HUD dictates this procedure. <br />he Chair added, the point is that if we hadn't received the $2,500,000 <br />rant, we would have been issuing Notes for that amount also, and it <br />ould still be up in the $7 Million amount. Instead of that, we are <br />