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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />a <br />to the sides of the bridge, with square openings one foot square, <br />and then run it across the concrete abutment on the north side <br />of this seating area and one section on the west side to frame <br />the corner. The real concern on the part of the Commissioners <br />is that somebody -- possibly a child- -may fall off and get in- <br />jured. <br />Mr. Dan Caesar, WSBT -TV reporter, raised questions for the con- <br />cern of the other side that we do not own, and Commissioner <br />Wiggins advised the other side is down hill from the end of the <br />bridge, whereas our area being discussed has the depressed area. <br />He also stated the continuation of the same design as the sides <br />of the bridge will tie right in, look good, and it will serve <br />our purpose. <br />As the railing is necessary and the cost factor worthwhile, Mr. <br />Brownell requested Commission permission to invite quotations <br />and bids to get this work done. Motion for the approval was <br />made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried, and the <br />staff was authorized to request bids for the proposed guard <br />rails. <br />John G. Pence Associates, Inc.: Commissioner authorization was <br />requested to enter into a contract with John G. Pence Associates, <br />Inc., for the preparation of a Letter of Opinion as to the value <br />of land in Block 6 for certain specific uses, in fee amount of <br />$200.00, Project Indiana R -66. <br />Mr. Brownell explained there were two appraisers who did the <br />reuse appraisals on what we call Block 6, or Disposition Parcels <br />6 -1 and 6 -2. The one appraiser is now deceased, and Mr. John G. <br />Pence was the other appraiser. We have now changed the land uses <br />Dn this particular Disposition Parcel 6 -1 by permitting additional <br />residential units up to 350, which permits the elderly housing to <br />go from 192 to 211 units, and we have also taken away the prohibi- <br />tion against the hotel or motel. The question then presents itself <br />if this has made a significant change in the value or price of the <br />) roperty, so we are going back to the appraisers who recently ap- <br />)raised the land for reuse purposes and are asking them to give us <br />i letter on the value. Since the other appraiser is deceased, we <br />lave to go to John G. Pence Associates, Inc. <br />JOHN G. <br />PENCE <br />ASSOCIATES, <br />INC. AUTHOR- <br />IZED FOR <br />LAND VALUE <br />APPRAISAL, <br />BLOCK 6, <br />R -66 <br />Ir. Dan Caesar raised questions if it would be possible the appraisal <br />light be higher since it is commercial land; not lower but higher? <br />Ir. Brownell advised it could be higher, or it could be lower. If <br />t would be lower, it wouldn't make any difference; if it is higher, <br />hen it would make a difference. Personally, he felt that the <br />and use changes we made would tend to decrease the value of the <br />roperty rather than increase it. <br />Ir. Dave Anderson, WNDU -TV reporter, asked, "Exactly what is this <br />roposal for ?" when he received a negative answer to his question <br />hether this appraisal is for the preparation of the possibility <br />f a motel in the development of Block 6. Mr. Brownell advised it <br />