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6. NEW OUSINESS (Cont'd <br />hat he doesn't want get the idea that we want to en- <br />ourage any kind of long =term parking or use of that property other <br />han the use for which it is intended as a proposed building site. <br />r. Gilkey advised that he had discussed this extensively with Mr. <br />rownell and he had also pointed out the same problems mentioned <br />ow, and that he does plan to talk to Mr. Farrand or Mr. Joe <br />awrysiak about getting some cinders placed on the lot. This will <br />lleviate the parking meter situation the staff presently has. <br />his is for a short time and with the police officers he felt the <br />arking can be monitored and not create a problem. <br />r. Brownell advised he has discussed this with the Board of Works, <br />nd if approved by the Commission would come on the Board's Agenda <br />onday morning. <br />r. Wiggins moved for the approval of the Commercial Lease and the <br />of be leased to the City on a month -to -month basis, in lease amount <br />f $1.00 per month, and that provision be made to monitor the park - <br />ng and also to condition the ground surface so that there will be <br />o difficulty in cars getting in or out. Motion was seconded by Mr. <br />ira and carried. <br />Mr. Caesar asked if this Board is setting a precedent in allowing <br />free parking on lots, and Mr. Gilkey advised it will be leased <br />through the Board of Works and they then will be providing parking <br />as a fringe benefit to the supervisors, etc of CETA. It will not <br />be free parking. <br />b. Demolition & Site Clearance Contract'Nos. 39'and 39 -A, Project <br />Indiana R =66; Commission authorization was requested to authorize <br />advertising for Demolition & Site Clearance Contract Nos. 39 and <br />9 -A, on Disposition Parcel No. 6 -1, Project Indiana R -66. Plans <br />and specifications are being prepared by the Bureau of Public Con- <br />struction using Clyde E. Williams & Associates, Inc. Phase I plans <br />with revisions. Portions of Block 6 in the area of the new building <br />must be done sooner than can be expected by conventional HUD contract <br />outline, so the Guide Form HUD -6211, for use in $2,000 or less con- <br />sideration, will be used and the contract number will read "39 -A" <br />i that case. <br />ntract 39 -A is not to exceed $2,000 and consists of curb demoli- <br />on, sidewalk and driveway approach demolition, pavement demolition <br />sphalt), pavement demolition (concrete), vault demolition, inlet <br />molition, light bases demolition, hauling off site and backfill, <br />ading, topsoil and seeding. Contract No. 39 is in the process of <br />ing prepared. <br />M . Wiggins moved for the approval to authorize advertising for <br />D molition & Site Clearance Contract Nos. 39 and 39 -A, seconded <br />b Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />ADVER- <br />TISING <br />APPROVED, <br />CONTRACT <br />NOS. 39 <br />& 39 -A, <br />R -66 <br />