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5. OLD BOSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried, <br />to rescind the action taken on the previous Change Order No. 5 <br />to Rehabilitation Contract No. SECD /HR /CS -1/05, in Commission <br />Meeting of July 1, 1976, Item 6d, page 8, and approve the corrected <br />Change Order No. 5, for an increase in contract amount of $655.00 <br />and an amended contract total of $40,246.00. This met with Legal <br />Counsel approval. <br />c. Can a Order No. 4 to Contract No. 1; Plaza Park; with Nautilus STATUS <br />C nstruction Com an , Project Indiana R -66v Mr. Brownell advised ON PLAZA <br />t is Change Order was approved by the Commission in meeting of May PARK CON - <br />7 1976, for a thirty (30) day extension of time, (from May 15 to TRACT, R -66 <br />J ne 15), or a contract completion date of June 15, 1976, with no <br />a ditional dollars noted in Change Order No. 4. It is on Agenda <br />t day to explain the status of this contract to the Commission. <br />M <br />z. Brownell advised Mr. Slabaugh informed him the contract is <br />s bstantially completed, with two (2) things left to do; <br />Pre -final inspection of the Plaza Park was made by Pat McMahon <br />and Stan Burzynski with the City; George Batchelder of Nautilus <br />Construction; and Jerry Kinyon of Lawson - Fisher Associates, and <br />a summary of the items discussed on the inspection of June 29 <br />were made. Also, Mr. Slabaugh outlined his observations re- <br />quiring attention before final inspection can be considered. <br />A punchlist of the items are noted. <br />The ladders to the boat docks were not correctly specified. <br />The installation was made as shown in the plans and the materials <br />were apparently to the specifications. Detail revision and ap- <br />propriate sketches will be forthcoming from Lawson Associates. <br />r. Slabaugh, Project Engineer, explained when the ladders were placed <br />n the field, they didn't appear as they did on paper, and they do <br />Dt appear to be ladders that would last 20 years, such as this Com- <br />ission would like to have. He stated it would be more like a three or <br />our year ladder under those conditions, so they are arranging to get <br />credit, at least most of the money spent on most of the installation, <br />nd either beef those up by welding or put in a different type of <br />adder. That is going to take design time. The contractor is not de- <br />aying the contract at all. He has substantially completed the con - <br />ract, but has little items to complete, such as..painting and some <br />rosion that has to be corrected, so that the next contractor can get <br />he seeding done. Mr. Slabaugh advised he was measuring some items <br />esterday when they were rained out. The final results will be sub- <br />itted for the next Commission meeting. The final Change Order, <br />o. 5, will be submitted for the over -runs and and the under -runs. <br />ommissioner Wiggins raised various questions on the ladders and Mr. <br />labaugh advised the ladders are from the floating docks up to the <br />tationary docks, to be used by people who presumably tie their <br />oats to the floating dock. The Commissioner also asked, "If the <br />adders are that inadequate, isn't there a potential hazard? What <br />f the ladder collapses under somebody?-" Mr. Slabaugh advised he <br />=10 <br />