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6. NEW OUSINESS (Cont'd <br />id specifications on this job? ", Mr. Slabaugh advised definitely, <br />nd Mr. Brownell added that we have to get a wage update ten (10) <br />ays before the contract is awarded, Commissioner Robinson stated <br />e is highly skeptical about the difference in price. <br />s. Derbeck referred to change orders the Commission authorized <br />or another demolition contractor on one of the buildings, and <br />ommissioner Wiggins defended those increases as they found four <br />oundations under there with double reinforced concrete walls and <br />assive footings located under elevator shaft. It turned out it <br />as built on quicksand in the beginning. <br />r. Edwin R. Bauer, Assistant Director, Department of Redevelopment, <br />ointed out with regard to the River Bend Plaza Office that we have <br />ad trouble in the past and had repair bills and improvements in <br />he plumbing, and wanted to point out again that the plumbing appears <br />aulty and it might become expensive to maintain that building just <br />o keep it operable. Also heating problems. Mr. Brownell stated <br />e can handle that with the City. The Chair concurred. <br />ommissoner Robinson said, "Since we are somewhat compelled to go <br />long with the low bidders on these various projects,I would like <br />o go on record that if we award this contract to this Julius O'Neal <br />rucking concern- -about two or three- =nths down the road when he <br />omes back for an increase in his price, he is not going to get it." <br />he Chair requested the record show Commissioner Robinson's comments. <br />he "Ayes" were unanimous for the vote the contract be awarded to <br />ulius O'Neal Trucking Company. Motion carried. <br />e. Application for Section 312 Loan: Approval was requested for this APPLICATION <br />pplication, in amount of 1,300.00, to Walter C. & Alfreda Baran- 18 /SOU- <br />wski of 143 Villageway, South Bend, located within Section 810 2/1/1 -76 <br />approved Project Area. Applicaton No. 18 /SOU- 2/1/76. APPROVED, <br />STIPULATIONS <br />Yr. Keith P. Crighton, Director, Bureau of Housing, advised this is OUTLINED, <br />Section 312 money that was given to the City last fall to be used 312 LOAN <br />in unison with our Homesteading Program to assist persons living <br />in the homesteading areas, not necessarily just the homestead pro- <br />perty occupant, in borrowing low interest money. This is 3% loan <br />1POrrk ney under Section 312 in the 1964 Housing Act. The Section 312 <br />ogram was in operation for approximatehy five_y_ears in theLa alle Projeci- as we— as the Northeast ProJ ect and the Model Cities <br />ea and we had a- great deal of acceptance program, so much so that <br />were granted self approval ;ment ot Housifd r an <br />velopment. The Commissi n, in fact, approves these loan applica- <br />ons and the staff merely sends the approved loan applications along <br />th the fund request to HUD. _ He said that he he1ri --` -tP ar-p the <br />ly city in Indiana right now that does have self a 1 and wP <br />e sl with WUD_ <br />r first loan of approximately 25 that the Commission will be getting <br />thin the next few months`. <br />- 12 - <br />