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6. NEW <br />BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />ir. John R. Kagel, Executive Director, Downtown South Bend Council, <br />sked if this came about as a result of Mayor Nemeth when he went to <br />lashington, D.C. and met with some of the HUD people, and reading that <br />,he Mayor had indicated there is'a possibility of receiving funds, if <br />his relates to that? Mr. Brownell said that this is correct, and <br />layor Nemeth had attended a Mayors' Conference in Washington, and <br />,hile there the Mayor checked with HUD on our application for Urgent <br />eeds Funds. In a constant effort, Mr. Nimtz and other people involved <br />ave been asking both Republicans and Democrats to assist in obtaining <br />his money. The Chair further added that this has been a combined <br />ffort of a number of people, as Mr. Brownell,had stated, on both sides <br />f the political fence to get this through. Ms. Jeanne Derbeck, South <br />end Tribune Reporter, said that she was of the opinion that we had <br />tated earlier that we had heard it would be approved, and the Chair <br />onfirmed her statement; that we have had telephone notification some <br />eeks ago, but this is our formal notification to submit our applica- <br />ion and the credits will be forthcoming. <br />t this point, the Chair stated we have a motion that Resolution No. <br />26 be adopted and it has been seconded; is there any further discussion? <br />here being none, the Chair requested the vote. The "Ayes" were unani <br />ous by the four (4) Commissioners present. The motion was carried <br />nanimously and Resolution No. 526 is adopted. <br />Ir. Dave Anderson, WNDU -TV Reporter, inquired whether the 2.5 Million <br />collars is lower or higher than we expected, or applied for, and what <br />mpact would the lowering of the balance have on the R -66 Project? Mr. <br />,rownell advised it is precisely the amount we asked for, and that the <br />ffect of it is that our appraisals of our real estate left for sale <br />ndicate that the value of the real estate, instead of being 5 Million, <br />s more like 2 -112 Million Dollars. We had estimated it to come out <br />hat way, and in our forms that we are sending to HUD, we will lower <br />he funds estimated to be obtained from the sale of real estate by <br />-112 Million Dollars; we will, increase the grant amount by 2 -1/2 <br />illion Dollars and we will pay this 2 -1/2- Million Dollars when we <br />et it on the Project Notes this September, when we refinance them, <br />o it will reduce the amount of the Project Notes from roughly nearly <br />Million Dollars down to $4,165,000.00 or thereabouts. He confirmed <br />his is a grant, not a loan. Commissioner Wiggins added this would <br />e a grant to be paid against what we owe, and in that effect this <br />akes the downtown property that we hold far more marketable and <br />reatly increases our opportunities to do something with it. <br />r. Brownell affirmed that is correct and that we are in the process <br />f doing this. We have had two appraisals made by independent ap- <br />raisers, and in today's meeting, he will be asking the Commission <br />or authorization to hire a reviewing appraiser to complete the re- <br />iew and the determination of the fair market value based on the <br />wo appraisals that have been made and the review. <br />the question raised by Mr. Larry Ford, WSJV -TV Reporter, if we <br />ve any examples of what the new prices will be on certain pieces <br />property now, Mr. Brownell advised he did not know the actual <br />ices, but he does know what the appraisers came in with and re- <br />