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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />youe Ju22 appt ieat i.on should be 6o& $2,500,000 and must ,inctude an <br />of ig.inat and 4ive copies o6 each o J the 4 <br />1. Appt i cat i.on jot Loan and Grant HUD -612 and the neeessany <br />legal data 4on 4iting the application. <br />2. Amended Project Expenditutcez Budget and Financing Plan <br />(HUD 1=ohms 6200 and 6220). The &enewal gkant amount, <br />as wete as the local sha&e, ate to be .inc&eased. Commun- <br />ity Development Block Gant 4unds may be used, i4 neees- <br />sany, 4o& the local shake. <br />3. A nak&ative statement outt any inenease on decAease <br />should accompany the P&oj ect Expenditu&es Budget and <br />Financing Plan. <br />Each of the above documents a&e to be completed to accondanee with <br />Urban Renewal P &ogxam Handbooks and Pnocedutceis. <br />you& appt icat ion must be &ece.iv ed (In this o 6 j ice by close o4 bu.6iness <br />Sept-ember 30, 1976. T J you have any questEons cvnee�w ng the ptcepa&a- <br />tion and submi-6s.ion o6 tW mater iat, please contact Jeanne Meggs, at <br />(317) 269 -7194. <br />S,incetcety, <br />/s/ Choice Edwa&ds, 6o& <br />James E. Anmsttcong <br />Area Diteeto& <br />M% Brownell further advised that as a result of the above letter which <br />a thorizes us to apply for the 2 -112 Million Dollars, as authorized by the <br />W shington Office, we will present today, to the Redevelopment Commission, <br />R solution No. 526, authorizing the filing of an Amendatory Application <br />f )r Loan and Grant, in Project Indiana R -66. This Resolution has been <br />d afted by Mr. Kevin J. Butler, Commission Legal Counsel. We have all the <br />other forms filled out, plus we have an opinion from Counsel. We will need <br />C mmission's adoption of this Resolution. The effect of this will be that <br />w en we get the 2 -1/2 Million Dollars, our loan balance instead of being <br />a proximately 7 Million Dollars, will be reduced to about $4,165,000 with <br />tie monies from the sale of land and interest that we can pay. <br />P rsuant to the invitation contained in the above letter, it was moved by <br />M% Wiggins and seconded by Mr. Robinson to adopt Resolution No. 526, which <br />i a Resolution of the City of South Bend Redevelopment Commission author - <br />i ing the filing of Amendatory Application for Loan and. Grant, Project <br />I diana R -66. <br />Tie Chair stated this letter just came in this week and that our Commission <br />L gal Counsel prepared the Resolution and opinion, and Mr. Brownell the <br />other documentation required, as this is the culmination of the request for <br />t is 2 -1/2 Million Dollars. He advised that we knew this was coming through <br />s me weeks ago, but this is the formal recognition that we are going to get <br />t e money. <br />- 5 - <br />