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6. OLDIBUSINESS (Cont'd <br />b. Report'on Newbill Construction Company: Mr. Crighton was requested REPORT <br />by Commissioners in May 7th meeting to report on this contractor ON NEWBILL <br />at this meeting. CONSTRUC- <br />TION CO. <br />Mr. Crighton advised for the past two weeks, they have been investi- <br />gating all claims for payment against Newbil'1 Construction Company <br />by the subcontractors, and are in the process right now of verify- <br />ing these claims by these subcontractors, materials, and supplying <br />us with a listing of the homes that they have either supplied materials <br />for or labor involved. These letters are being notarized that they <br />are in fact true and correct copies. We have apprised Chuck Leone <br />in the City Attorney's Office of the situation since these are Model <br />Cities contracts and the City Attorney is involved. We are taking <br />steps to see that the matter is corrected as soon as possible. <br />The Presiding Officer, Commissioner Wiggins, stated, as he understands <br />it, the reasons for the inquiry were to determine whether or not we <br />should consider the prospect of seeking other contractors for the <br />work that this contractor has been awarded -- further down the line- - <br />work that he hasn't even started at this point. "Is it your feeling, <br />as a result of the investigations, that there is any possibility of <br />his getting himself in solid condition and being able to fulfill -the <br />contract that we have ?" Mr. Crighton advised that he really didn't <br />know; that the stated events that we have is not conclusive to any <br />extent. <br />Mr. Brownell asked, "I think it looks somewhat doubtful doesn't it, <br />Mr. Crighton, that he will be able financially to go ahead with the other <br />contracts ?" Mr. Crighton advised it depends on how many verified debts <br />we can get. We have three or four statements from subcontractors- - <br />actual verified statements where they can prove that they supplied <br />materials or labor for a given contract. Those are the only types of <br />items that we can go on; we can't just arbitrarily accept subcontrac- <br />tor's word that somebody owes him money, if he doesn't have an invoice <br />or a contract, or at least an address of the property that he worked <br />on. So right now, we only have four, and he stated Chuck Leone had <br />instructed him to withhold payments on this contract until we get the <br />matter straightened out. <br />The Chair asked Commission Legal Counsel at what point do we need to <br />make a determination, and Mr. Butler advised, at a point when we <br />decide on the work that was awarded to him. This is in line with the <br />general problem we have had in getting the contractors on the job as <br />quickly as possible after the initial inspection, so that initial <br />problems don't arise and also to protect the contractor so that his <br />contracts don't increase, and apparently he is (this contractor) the <br />successful bidder on a number of homes in the Southeast area? Mr. <br />Crighton advised the Redevelopment Commission awarded Newbill Construc- <br />tion Company four (4) rehabilitation contracts as a "conditional award" <br />on January 2, 1976, because of the problems he has had with his bonding <br />and the arrangement that was made to withhold 10% of the first contract. <br />Further questions raised by Mr. Butler, answered by Mr. Crighton were: <br />The contracts have not been executed yet; he has not supplied us with <br />the information that is required (Contracts 11 /SECD, 12 /SECD, 15 /SECD <br />- 12 - <br />