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6. NEW OUSINESS (Cont'd <br />14r. Brownell distributed copies of "Attachment B" which are the <br />evised pages 9, 15 and 23, of the Urban Renewal Plan, (R -213). <br />he changed items are "underlined." <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and PUBLIC <br />nanimously carried, for the adoption of Resolution No. 522, HEARING, <br />nd that this matter be set for Public Hearing, for the 21st 5- 21 -76, <br />ay of May, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., Eastern Standard Time, in the 10 :00 A.M., <br />ffices of the Department of Redevelopment, 1200 County -City E.S.T. <br />uilding, South Bend, IN 46601. <br />s. Derbeck raised the question that since the Commission has <br />beady passed the adoption of the Resolution,'why have the <br />ublic Hearing? Commissioner Wiggins advised this is part of <br />he required HUD regulations that we must follow to file. Mr. <br />utler advised that the point is well taken, as normally on <br />Irdinances the Common Council has first and second readings <br />o adopt an ordinance and a time is set for Public Hearings. <br />he usual procedure is to adopt a Resolution after a hearing; <br />UD's procedure involves the steps we are taking. After the <br />ublic Hearing, it will go before the Common Council for ap- <br />roval. The Chair added, "I will reiterate what I said at <br />he last meeting- -When you take Federal money; you take the <br />ederal regulations, whether that be highways, schools, welfare, <br />r redevelopment." <br />b. romotional Packages -- "City in a Box:" Commission authoriza- "CITY IN A <br />ion was requested to purchase approximately 100 Promotional BOX" -- <br />ackages, called: "City in a Box," showing South Bend attrac- PROMOTIONAL <br />ions, at an approximate cost of $5.00 each. PACKAGES <br />r. Brownell advised, in a meeting held a while back at the <br />ndiana Club, in which a number of the Redevelopment Commis - <br />ioners were present, `a presentation was made of the promotional <br />ackages Dr. George Wing and his Committee have put together, <br />hich they are planning to send to people who inquire in re- <br />ponse to the advertisements placed in magazines to show them <br />hat South Bend is really all about: Mr. Brownell advised that <br />e does not have the exact cost at this time, but that the cost <br />ould be approximately $5.00 each, and we would like authoriza- <br />ion to purchase approximately 100 of these, so that we can send <br />hem to prospects that we have had contact with over the past <br />everal years, to see if we can't stir up some interest in some <br />f our available land. <br />r. Wiggins moved for the approval of the above purchase, se- <br />conded by Mr. Donaldson and unanimously carried. <br />r. Lloyd S. Taylor, Managing Agent, St. Joseph River Bend <br />Development Corporation, gave a packet of 100 brochures that <br />he St. Joseph River Bend Development Corporation has developed <br />or Block 6 for our use - -at no cost to us. The 16 -acre site <br />long the west bank of the St. Joseph River in the heart of <br />downtown South Bend is being called, "RIVER GLEN OFFICE PARK <br />