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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Mr. Brownell advised that he has asked Mr. Batchelder, Nautilus <br />Construction Corporation, to get their debris off as soon as they <br />can so we can get at that. <br />Mr. Butler directed his question to Mr. Bauer, "On your list <br />here, you have your figures stated as estimates. Are these <br />actually quotes ?" Mr. Bauer advised that the contract will be <br />the exact amount of dollars stated. <br />Commissioner Wiggins said, so, in essence, this isn't any differ - <br />ent than the building we are talking about taking down there, <br />so he made the motion to award the contract to the low bidder, <br />Gatchell Tree Service, in his bid amount of $1,224.00, to remove <br />18 trees designated on Block 6, and the stumps and haul out the <br />debris, subject to the investigation and approval of our Legal <br />Counsel that we are obligated to do this, (before we do this, <br />not after we do it), and if we are, the Commission be authorized <br />to enter into such contract, subject to Legal Counsel approval. <br />Motion was seconded by Mr. Donaldson and carried. <br />Mr. Lou Tutino, WNDU -TV Reporter, asked if the contract calls for <br />the clearing of the site, what about the live trees then? The <br />Chair asked Mr. Bill Parrish, Real Estate Officer, if he would <br />respond to the question. Mr. Parrish said that it has always <br />been customary procedure and we took out all the deadwood and <br />stumps, and then took care of the damage that the contractor <br />did in his clearance afterwards. Anything that died prior to <br />selling the land, we removed as part of our demolition. Some <br />of the trees would be damaged as a result of demolition and would <br />die afterwards. Dead trees have always been removed prior to <br />turning the land over to the prospective buyer. <br />Commissioner Wiggins 'stated his question was not with the removal <br />of the dead trees, but whether or not we were obligated to do <br />it, and he thoroughly agrees that dead trees should be removed. <br />There are a lot of them around that ought to come out, because <br />dead trees constitute a hazard. This has been a part of the spread <br />of the blight of the elm trees because they have been allowed to <br />remain and the beetles kill the other elm trees. <br />The question raised by the Chair if there are any more of the paving <br />bricks left that Southhold is still interested in for paving their <br />parking lot:Mr. Slabaugh advised there are some bricks on Lincolnway <br />that are covered with asphalt and there may be approximately 50,000 <br />under that asphalt. It would take a bulldozer to rip them out and <br />a lot of labor to clean the bricks. <br />The Chair said the motion has been made, seconded and carried - -as <br />noted above. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORT <br />The flyer was distributed for the River Bend Plaza activities which is PLAZO <br />pre ared by the Chamber of Commerce for period covering April 6 through ACTIVITIES <br />April 10, 1976. <br />-9- <br />