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8. NEST COMMISSION MEETING <br />a <br />10. <br />ThE <br />next meeting of <br />the Redevelopment Commission will be Friday, <br />NEXT <br />April <br />23, 1976, at 10:00 <br />a.m., to be held in lieu of the Regular <br />COMMISSION <br />Me <br />ting of April 16, <br />1976, which is Good Friday and a City Holiday. <br />MEETING, <br />4 -23 -76 <br />ThE <br />motion was made <br />at the last Commission Meeting for the change <br />of <br />the meeting date <br />to: April 23, 1976. <br />QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION <br />Thl Chair opened this part of the meeting for any questions from <br />th Commissioners or the audience. <br />Ms. Jeanne Derbeck, South Bend Tribune Reporter, asked when the <br />deadline is for the developers to purchase the first parcel in <br />Block 6? Mr. Brownell advised the first parce l is May 7, 1976-- <br />the parcel for the branch bank - -but that'he understands from Mr. <br />Taylor that the St. Joseph River Bend Development Corporation <br />ma be acquiring two other parcels in addition to that one. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Motion was duly made by Mr. Wiggins for adjournment, at 10:33 a.m <br />(SEAL) <br />Executive Direct., F. Jay Ni tz, President <br />- 10 - <br />QUESTION <br />BY NEWS <br />MEDIA <br />ADJOURN- <br />MENT <br />