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6. OLD BUSINESS. (Cont'd <br />tractor insists upon an increase in various items, then we <br />probably are in a situation that we would probably have to <br />rebid it. <br />The Chair advised that he can understand.The Hickey Company's <br />situation and what they are saying is certainly reasonable. <br />This is a good example of what inflation means. <br />Mr. Butler further added that at that time, the Commission <br />would have to look at the other bid prices, and certainly it <br />would have to be rebid if the Commission took the bid in excess <br />of the next lowest bid we received. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded by Mr. Cira and <br />carried, to "receive the letter from The Hickey Company, <br />Inc., dated March 4, 1976, and'to take it under advisement. <br />Mr. Gene Evans inquired, "What is the status of your progressing <br />towards an award date? Obviously you have a financial problem. <br />Is that it?" The Chair advised that is not the problem. The <br />problem involved here basically is if there exists a good possi- <br />bility of going ahead with some major changes as Allan Bloomquist <br />was just detailing here. Then we would be looking at a situation <br />where we have let a contract to revamp that street area and then <br />we would have to tear it up. We want to avoid that if we can. <br />Mr..Butler added that one other factor is that the Mayor asked <br />that his administration be given some time to review that parti- <br />cular project- -the extension.of the mall - -in the context of the <br />overall development within the City. <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Proclaimer No. 2, R -57: Authorization was requested for the <br />Executive Director to execute Proclaimer No. 2, per the attached <br />Schedule A, for Acquisition Parcel Nos. 45 -4, 1 -18, 41 -19, <br />19 -28, and 22 -21, in the LaSalle Park Urban Renewal Area, Pro - <br />ject Indiana R -57. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Cira, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and <br />carried, authorizing the Executive Director, Mr. C. Wayne <br />Brownell., to execute the above Proclaimer No. 2, Project <br />R -57. <br />b. Rehabilitation Contracts, Nos. 13, 21, 26, 27 & 24, Southeast <br />Community Development Program: Per recommendations of the <br />Southeast Advisory Committee, Commission approval was requested <br />to award the following contracts, per bid tabulation, to the <br />low bidder, subject to Commission Legal Counsel approval, in <br />the Southeast Community Development Program: <br />- 8 - <br />PROCLAIMER <br />NO. 2, <br />ACQUISITION <br />PARCELS <br />45 -4, 1 -18, <br />41 -19, 19 -28 <br />& 22 -21, <br />R-57 <br />REHABILITA- <br />TION CONTRA <br />13, 21, 26, <br />27 & 24 <br />AWARDED, SE <br />COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />PROGRAM <br />