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5. NdWS RELEASE (Cont'd <br />My. Bloomquist further advised that First Bank, for instance, will <br />bE building a new bank office building and that bankers like to have <br />as tall a building as possible, and that they would be more than <br />h ppy to accommodate anybody that they can bring in or attract. <br />T ey have worked with their own real estate and area development <br />d partments and others to attract more people into the downtown <br />a ea. In fact those efforts will continue and Dr. George Wing is <br />m unting a very aggressive sales'effort'in that regard. <br />reference to Ms. Derbeck's question if he has specifics, definite <br />terests by major retailers and others in this project sufficient <br />make the Corporation hopeful, Mr. °Bloomquist answered in the affir- <br />tive. <br />. Brownell advised the Commissioners Mr. Bloomquist' has invited <br />e Commissioners to a luncheon meeting, at their convenience, to <br />into more depth on their development. <br />6. OU D BUSINESS <br />a. The Hickey Company, Inc. letter dated March 4, 1976: Mr. <br />Brownell read this letter in its entirety, which is over the <br />signature of Mr. G. A. Hickey, Chairman of the Board. <br />This letter is in reference to our request for The Hickey <br />Company to evaluate a further extension into April and then <br />possibly to June 15, 1976 of their proposal of November 18, <br />1975, for Contract No. 10, Parts A and D, to be awarded for <br />the Plaza continuation. The previous extension was to March <br />15, with no increase in price, as follows: <br />1) Contract No. 10, Parts A & D $ 750,298.00 <br />2) Seven (7) deductions - 59,973.00 <br />Total 690,325.00 <br />If the scope of the project, as outlined, is extended until <br />April 15, 1976, they advise there will be an additional cost <br />of $17,930.00 for a total of $708,255.00. This would be due <br />to additional increases in material prices around April 1 and <br />new labor contracts in effect in May, June and July, and the <br />subcontractors, suppliers and The Hickey Company would not <br />be able to absorb the increases, per their letter. <br />If the extension time is until June 15, 1976, the additional <br />amount is $27,000.00 or a total of $717,325.00. <br />Commissioner Wiggins chairing the meeting in the absence of <br />the President, Mr. F. Jay Nimtz, stated this raises a little <br />different question than what we considered before, and he <br />asked Commission Legal Counsel, Mr. Kevin J. Butler, "How are <br />we legally in terms of additions to the original bid-figure ?" <br />Mr. Butler advised, off hand he would say that we would have <br />to negotiate at such time as the Commission determines that they <br />are ready to go with the Project. In other words, if the con- <br />- -7 - <br />THE HICKEY <br />CO., INC. <br />LETTER RE <br />EXTENSION <br />TO AWARD <br />CONTRACT 10, <br />MALL EXTEN- <br />SION, R -66 <br />