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COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, January 16, 1976 Transcript: Page 8 <br />MR. NIMTZ: Any comment, or questions, by members of the Commission, as <br />to this delay, and as to the parking? <br />COMMISSIONERS: [None -- No response.] <br />MR. NIMTZ: If not, I'll call on Mr. Getzinger. <br />[Directed to Mr. Getzinger] I believe this has been dis- <br />cussed with you and Mr. Kagel, and the merchants downtown? <br />MR. <br />ZINGER: Yes. Mr. Chairman and members of the Commission: Of course, <br />you must be aware of my feelings in the matter. We were <br />taken completely by surprise of the announcement, and, our <br />first reaction, of course, was one of shock and amazement; <br />however, I feel that the Mayor and this administration does <br />have the community's and downtown business community's <br />interest at heart. I feel that in retrospect, that he does <br />need some time to study the situation and I would recommend <br />that we would go along with his request at this time. <br />I hope that the six months's delay, or five months - -or <br />whatever it is - -I don't remember the exact date ... <br />MR. NIMTZ: June 1st. <br />`Y0 <br />INGER: At that time, or time between now and then., that we can <br />have some sort of a plan on what is going to happen shortly <br />thereafter. <br />