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COMMItSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Frida , January 16, 1976 Transcript: Page 7 <br />Deat Mt. Nimtz: <br />I am Aequesting that the Redevetopment Deparctment <br />decay eonst) uat%on o4 the mate on Michigan St)Leet between <br />Je44euon and Washington StAee<t�s unt it June 1, 1976. I am <br />making this rcequezt 4or the 4ottowing teasonz: <br />1. To provide the Mayon's Downtown Devetopment <br />Committee with an oppoktunity to study the <br />downtown probtem and make tecommendations; <br />2. To attow mote time to study the impact <br />o A �&ee patFr on the pros peat%v e mate aAea <br />between Je44ervson and Washington StAeets; <br />3. To avoid unnecasaty expense in the event <br />the downtown matt prof eat o6 the FiAst Bank <br />and TAust Company comes into tuition. <br />Ass 4oA the th.itd teazon, I wish to emphasize that the <br />pto babit i.ty o4 success o 4 the Hut Bank prof eat cannot be <br />dete,kmined 4oA anotheA three oA 4ou L mowtks; however, <br />o44iciats o4 the Hut Bank and Trust Company have <br />indicated to me that they shoutd know within that pe iod <br />o4 time whetheA or not thew prof eat w,i tt pAoeeed. <br />In the event the project does prcoeeed, it woutd be <br />very 400V sh jot us to enteA into a contract and commence <br />eovvstruation o4 the matt at this time and then have to <br />undo that eonsttuation at a tatet time. I fleet that the <br />,shorct time invotved 4ot the decay, as wett as the <br />possibte saving6 o6 tax money, ju6t 6ies my teque�st <br />joA the decay. <br />Thanking you Got youA ass,i stance and coopeAati.on <br />in this matteA, I ,temain <br />vv.y ttcuty gout's, <br />/6/ PeteA J. Nemeth <br />PeteA J. Nemeth <br />Mayor <br />PJN/bjb <br />cc: Redevetopment Commi6sioneu <br />C. Wayne BAowneU <br />MayoA',s Downtown aevetopment Committee <br />News Media <br />